Running Motifs
Ember Python Configuration
The Python file in Ember specifies:
- How to set up the SST simulation
- Allows multiple configurations to be specified and run
- Loads Motifs into the simulation to be performed.
Running Ember
Ember uses a python interpreter built into the SST compiler.
executes the python script.
Key Components
The python file specifies the format of the SST simulation. The python file specifies components of our simulation such as network Topology, Routers, NetworkInterface and the computation to be performed in the form of Motifs.
First, we import the necessary components of merlin and set the Platform to firefly defaults.
import sst
from sst.merlin.base import *
from sst.merlin.endpoint import *
from sst.merlin.interface import *
from sst.merlin.topology import *
from sst.ember import *
if __name__ == "__main__":
Next, we create a topology that our experiment will run on.
topo = topoDragonFly()
Creates a dragonfly topology.
We can then specify parameters about the topology using a dot-operator. e.g.,
topo.num_groups = 4