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Capturing and using OTF2 Traces with Ember

This page describes how to capture OTF2 traces and use them within Ember to drive traffic from application traces.


Utilising this functionality requires a change to the build configuration for SST Elements. See Building SST Elements for OTF2 Traces

This file makes use of the Ember Communication Pattern Library for a test application.

Capturing OTF2 Traces

There are two methods to generate OTF traces, firstly using TAUand the second option using Score-P.

This guide assumes that either TAU or Score-P are installed on the system.


TAU generates its own traces which can in turn be converted in to OTF2 traces.

You must set the TAU_MAKEFILE environment variable to the machine specific makefile:

$ export TAU_MAKEFILE=${TAU_INSTALL}/lib/Makefile.tau-intel-mpi-pthread-pdt

The application needs to be compiled with the TAU wrapper like so:

$ make

Once this built we can submit a parallel run to a cluster, with Slurm a script could look like:


#SBATCH -n 1

export TAU_TRACE=1
export TRACEDIR=${HOME}/traces/halo3d-26
srun -n <tasks> -N <nodes> tau_exec halo3d-26

When the application has been run the TAU traces will be located at ${HOME}/traces.

They can then merge them:

$ tau_merge -e events.*.edf -m halo3d-26.edf tautrace.*.trc halo3d-26.trc

And finally convert those to OTF2:

$ tau2otf2 halo3d-26.trc tau.edf halo3d26-traces



Building SST Elements for OTF2 Traces

When configuring SST Elements to the use the OTF2 Motif you must enable it with the following configuration flag --with-otf2.

$ ../configure --with-otf2=${OTF2_INSTALL_PATH} --prefix=$SST_ELEMENTS_HOME --with-sst-core=$SST_CORE_HOME

Running the OTF2 Motif in SST

This document assumes that a system has been configured in SST, and is ready to use and will just define how to configure the endpoint in python.

Add the motif to an endpoint like so:

ep.addMotif("OTF2 tracePrefix=path/to/trace/halo3d26-traces.otf2")

The number of endpoints must match that of the trace:

ep = EmberMPIJob(0, 2, 1, 1)
ep.addMotif("OTF2 tracePrefix=halo3d26-traces.otf2")
# Turn on Verbosity for this endpoint
ep.ember.verbose = 1

The path to the traces can be absolute or relative.

Currently there is an issue with linking to OTF2; so you must set LD_PRELOAD to the OTF2 lib prior to running SST: