SST 12.1.0
Structural Simulation Toolkit
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CSST::ActivityQueueBase Class for a queue of Activities
 CSST::ELI::Allocator< Base, T, Enable >
 CSST::BaseComponentMain component object for the simulation
 CSST::Core::ThreadSafe::BoundedQueue< T >
 CSST::Core::ThreadSafe::BoundedQueue< comm_recv_pair * >
 CSST::Core::ThreadSafe::BoundedQueue< comm_send_pair * >
 CSST::ELI::Builder< Base, Args >
 CSST::ELI::Builder< Base, Args... >
 CSST::ELI::BuilderInfoImpl< void >
 CSST::ELI::BuilderLibrary< Base, CtorArgs >
 CSST::ELI::BuilderLibraryDatabase< Base, CtorArgs >
 CSST::ELI::CachedAllocator< Base, T >
 CSST::ELI::checkForELI_getSimpleInfoFunction< T, index, InfoType >
 CSST::Core::Interprocess::CircularBuffer< T >
 CSST::ELI::CtorList< Base, Ctor, Ctors >
 CSST::ELI::CtorList< Base, void >
 CSST::ELI::DataBase< T >
 CSST::decimal_fixedpoint< whole_words, fraction_words >Class that implements a decimal fixed-point number
 CSST::decimal_fixedpoint< 3, 3 >
 CSST::ElementInfoParamDescribes Parameters to a Component
 CSST::ElementInfoPortDescribes Ports that the Component can use
 CSST::ElementInfoStatisticDescribes Statistics used by a Component
 CSST::ELI::ElementsBuilder< Base, CtorTuple >
 CSST::ELI::ElementsBuilder< Base, std::tuple< Args... > >
 CSST::ELI::ElementsInfo< Base >
 CSST::ElemLoaderClass to load Element Libraries
 CSST::ELI::ExtendedCtor< NewCtor, OldCtor >Implements a constructor for a derived base as usually happens with subcomponents, e.g
 CSST::FactoryClass for instantiating Components, Links and the like out of element libraries
 CSST::ELI::ForceExport< T >
 CSST::ELI::GetAttributes< T, Enable >
 CSST::ELI::GetAttributes< T, typename MethodDetect< decltype(T::ELI_getAttributes())>::type >
 CSST::ELI::GetParams< T, Enable >
 CSST::ELI::GetParams< T, typename MethodDetect< decltype(T::ELI_getParams())>::type >
 CSST::Activity::greater< T, P, Q >Class to use as the greater than operator for STL functions or sorting algorithms (used if you want to sort opposite the natural soring order)
 CSST::HandlerMetaDataJust a tag class for the various metadata that will need to be stored in the simulation object to allow ProfileTools to get the data they need
 CSST::ELI::InfoLibrary< Base >
 CSST::ELI::InfoLibraryDatabase< Base >
 CSST::ELI::InfoPorts< T, Enable >
 CSST::ELI::InfoPorts< T, typename MethodDetect< decltype(T::ELI_getPorts())>::type >
 CSST::ELI::InfoProfilePoints< T, Enable >
 CSST::ELI::InfoProfilePoints< T, typename MethodDetect< decltype(T::ELI_getProfilePoints())>::type >
 CSST::ELI::InfoStats< T, Enable >
 CSST::ELI::InfoStats< T, typename MethodDetect< decltype(T::ELI_getStatistics())>::type >
 CSST::ELI::InfoSubs< T, Enable >
 CSST::ELI::InfoSubs< T, typename MethodDetect< decltype(T::ELI_getSubComponentSlots())>::type >
 CSST::ELI::InstantiateBuilder< Base, T >
 CSST::ELI::InstantiateBuilderInfo< Base, T >
 CSST::Core::Interprocess::IPCTunnel< ShareDataType, MsgType >Tunneling class between two processes, connected by shared memory
 CSST::Activity::less< T, P, Q >Class to use as the less than operator for STL functions or sorting algorithms
 CSST::LinkLink between two components
 CSST::LinkMapMaps port names to the Links that are connected to it
 CSST::LinkPairDefines a pair of links (to define a connected link)
 CSST::ELI::MethodDetect< T >
 CSST::Core::Interprocess::MMAPChild_Pin3< TunnelType >Class supports an IPC tunnel between two or more processes, via an mmap'd file This class attaches to an existing tunnel for a child process using PinCRT
 CSST::Core::Interprocess::MMAPParent< TunnelType >Class supports an IPC tunnel between two or more processes, via an mmap'd file
 CSST::ModuleModule is a tag class used with the loadModule function
 CSST::Core::Serialization::need_delete_statics< T >
 CSST::ELI::NoValidConstructorsForDerivedType< NumValid >
 CSST::ELI::NoValidConstructorsForDerivedType< 0 >
 CSST::Statistics::NullStatisticBase< T, B >
 CSST::OutputOutput object provides consistent method for outputting data to stdout, stderr and/or sst debug file
 CSST::IMPL::Pool< T >
 CSST::IMPL::Pool< TimeUnit >
 CSST::IMPL::TimeVortexBinnedMapBase< TS >::TimeUnit::pq_lessTo use with STL priority queues, that order in reverse
 CSST::Profile::ProfileToolProfileTool is a class loadable through the factory which allows dynamic addition of profiling capabililites to profile points
 CSST::ELI::ProvidesSimpleInfo< num, InfoType >
 CSST::RNG::RandomImplements the base class for random number generators for the SST core
 CSST::RNG::RandomDistributionBase class of statistical distributions in SST
 CSST::Core::Serialization::pvt::raw_ptr_wrapper< TPtr >
 CSST::Interfaces::SimpleMem::RequestRepresents both memory requests and responses
 CSST::Interfaces::StandardMem::RequestBase class for StandardMem commands
 CSST::Core::Serialization::pvt::ser_array_wrapper< TPtr, IntType >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serializable_type< T >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serializable_type< Request >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serializable_type< StringEvent >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serializable_type< TestEvent >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serializable_type< UnitAlgebra >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< T, Enable >Base serialize class
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< bool >Version of serialize that works for bool
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< pvt::raw_ptr_wrapper< TPtr > >Version of serialize that works for copying raw pointers (only copying the value of the pointer
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< pvt::ser_array_wrapper< T, IntType >, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value >::type >Version of serialize that works for dynamically allocated arrays of fundamental types and enums
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< pvt::ser_array_wrapper< T, IntType >, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_fundamental< T >::value &&!std::is_enum< T >::value >::type >Version of serialize that works for dynamically allocated arrays of non base types
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< pvt::ser_array_wrapper< void, IntType > >Version of serialize that works for statically allocated arrays of void*
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< serializable * >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT > >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< std::deque< T > >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< std::list< T > >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< std::map< Key, Value > >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< std::pair< U, V > >Version of serialize that works for std::pair
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< std::set< T > >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< std::string >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< std::unordered_map< Key, Value > >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< std::unordered_set< T > >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< std::vector< T > >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< T *, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SST::Core::Serialization::serializable, T >::value >::type >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< T *, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value >::type >Version of serialize that works for pointers to fundamental types and enums
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SST::Core::Serialization::serializable, T >::value >::type >
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value >::type >Version of serialize that works for fundamental types and enums
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< T[N], typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value >::type >Version of serialize that works for statically allocated arrays of fundamental types and enums
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serialize< T[N], typename std::enable_if<!std::is_fundamental< T >::value &&!std::is_enum< T >::value >::type >Version of serialize that works for statically allocated arrays of non base types
 CSST::Core::Serialization::serializerThis class is basically a wrapper for objects to declare the order in which their members should be ser/des
 CSST::Shared::SharedObjectDataBase class for holding SharedObject data
 CSST::Core::Interprocess::SHMChild< TunnelType >Class supports an IPC tunnel between two or more processes, via posix shared memory This class attaches to an existing tunnel for a child process
 CSST::Core::Interprocess::SHMParent< TunnelType >Class supports an IPC tunnel between two or more processes via posix shared memory This class creates the tunnel for the parent/master process
 CSST::ELI::SimpleInfoPlaceHolder< num, InfoType >
 CSST::SimulationMain control class for a SST Simulation
 CSST::ELI::SingleCtor< Base, Args >
 CSST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT >Class that stores data in a vector, but can access the data similar to a map
 CSST::SparseVectorMap< ComponentId_t >
 CSST::SparseVectorMap< ComponentId_t, ConfigComponent * >
 CSST::SparseVectorMap< ComponentId_t, PartitionComponent * >
 CSST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT * >Class that stores data in a vector, but can access the data similar to a map
 CSST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, keyT >Templated version of SparseVectorMap where the data and key are the same (actually more like a set than a map in this case)
 CSST::SparseVectorMap< LinkId_t, ConfigLink * >
 CSST::SparseVectorMap< LinkId_t, PartitionLink >
 CSST::SSTElementPythonModuleBase class for python modules in element libraries
 CSST::SSTElementPythonModuleCodeClass to represent the code that needs to be added to create the python module struture for the library
 CSST::SSTHandlerBaseProfileFunctor classes for Event handling
 CSST::SSTInfoConfigThe SSTInfo Configuration class
 CSST::SSTLibraryInfoThe SSTInfo representation of ElementLibraryInfo object
 CSST::SSTModelDescriptionBase class for Model Generation
 CSST::Partition::SSTPartitionerBase class for Partitioning graphs
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticBaseForms the base class for statistics gathering within SST
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticCollector< T, F >Base type that creates the virtual addData(...) interface Used for distinguishing fundamental types (collected by value) and composite struct types (collected by reference)
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticCollector< BinDataType >
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticCollector< double >
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticCollector< float >
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticCollector< int >
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticCollector< int32_t >
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticCollector< int64_t >
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticCollector< NumberBase >
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticCollector< std::tuple< Args... > >
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticCollector< std::tuple< Args... >, false >
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticCollector< T, true >
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticCollector< uint32_t >
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticCollector< uint64_t >
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticFieldInfoThe class for representing Statistic Output Fields
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticOutputForms the base class for statistics output generation within the SST core
 CSST::Statistics::StatisticProcessingEngineAn SST core component that handles timing and event processing informing all registered Statistics to generate their outputs at desired rates
 CSST::SubComponentSlotInfoUsed to load SubComponents when multiple SubComponents are loaded into a single slot (will also also work when a single SubComponent is loaded)
 CSST::TimeConverterA class to convert between a component's view of time and the core's view of time
 CSST::TimeLordClass for creating and managing TimeConverter objects
 CSST::Tokenizer< TokenizerFunc >
 CSST::Core::Interprocess::TunnelDef< ShareDataType, MsgType >This class defines a shared-memory region between a master process and one or more child processes Region has three data structures:
 CSST::Core::ThreadSafe::UnboundedQueue< T >
 CSST::Core::ThreadSafe::UnboundedQueue< comm_recv_pair * >
 CSST::UnitsHelper class internal to UnitAlgebra