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Link* configureLink(const std::string& name, TimeConverter* time_base, Event::HandlerBase* handler = nullptr);
Link* configureLink(const std::string& name, const std::string& time_base, Event::HandlerBase* handler = nullptr);
Link* configureLink(const std::string& name, const UnitAlgebra& time_base, Event::HandlerBase* handler = nullptr);
Link* configureLink(const std::string& name, Event::HandlerBase* handler = nullptr);

Availability: Component, SubComponent, ComponentExtension

Configure a link. Checks that the named port is connected and optionally registers an event handler to be called on event arrivals. If a handler is not registered, the link must be polled. A time base can also be specified; this can be used in future send calls to add additional send latency. If a time base is not specified, the (Sub)Component's default time base will be used.

A return value of nullptr indicates the link could not be configured. A common cause of a nullptr return value is that the port is not connected to a link. (Sub)Components are responsible for detecting and managing any errors.


  • name (string) Name of the port to configure the link on
  • time_base (TimeConverter*, string, UnitAlgebra) The base time units to use with time-related calls on the link.
  • handler (Event::HandlerBase*) The event handler to use for event arrivals
  • returns (Link*) A handle to the configured link. A return value of nullptr indicates the link could not be configured.


Excerpt from st-elements/src/sst/elements/simpleElementExample/
#include <sst/core/component.h>

example0::example0(ComponentId_t id, Params& params) : Component(id)
/** Other configuration here */

link = configureSelfLink("port", new Event::Handler2<example0, &example0::handleEvent>(this));
sst_assert(link, CALL_INFO, -1, "Error in %s: Link configuration failed\n", getName().c_str());

/** Other configuration here */
#include <sst/core/component.h> // or
#include <sst/core/subcomponent.h> // or
#include <sst/core/componentExtension.h>