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Enables a list of statistics for all previously instanced Components/SubComponents of the type specified in the call. This call works for both Components and SubComponents.


sst.enableStatisticsForComponentType(comp_type, stat_list, stat_params_dict, apply_to_children=False)


  • comp_type (type: string) type of the Component or SubComponent on which to enable the specified statistics. All previously instanced elements of this type will have their statistics enabled.
  • stat_list (type: list of strings) list of statistics to be enabled. If only one stat is to be enabled, you may pass a single string instead of a list.
  • stat_params_dict (type: dict) Python dictionary that specified the statistic parameters
  • apply_to_children (type: bool) If set to True, will recursively enable specified statistic on all SubComponent descendants.
  • returns none


import sst

sst.Component("c0", "simpleElementExample.basicStatistics")

stats = ["UINT32_statistic", "INT32_statistic"]
sst.enableStatisticsForComponentType("simpleElementExample.basicStatistics", stats)


import sst