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template<class T> // All find functions below are templated on a single parameter, T

/* Find a given key */
T find(const std::string& key) const;

/* Find a given key, return a default value if not found */
T find(const std::string& key, T default_value) const;
T find(const std::string& key, const std::string& default_value) const;

/* Find a given key, also indicate if found */
T find(const std::string& key, bool& found) const;

/* Find a given key, return a default value if not found, also indicate if found */
T find(const std::string& key, T default_value, bool& found) const;
T find(const std::string& key, const std::string& default_value, bool& found) const;

/* Special case for find<bool> to enable conversion of "T"/"F" to bool */
T find(const std::string& key, const char* default_value) const;
T find(const std::string& key, const char* default_value, bool& found) const;

Find a key in the Params object and return the corresponding value as template type T. If desired, the function can also take a default value to be returned if the key is not found, and a boolean variable to set indicating whether the key was found.


  • key (std::string) The key to find
  • default_value (T, std::string, char*) A value to return if the key is not found in the Params object
  • found (bool) A variable that will be set to True if the key is found or False otherwise
  • returns (T) The value matching the key, or the default_value if provided and the key is not found


Excerpt from sst-elements/src/sst/elements/simpleElementExample/
* This Component has several parameters which are uncreatively named by their type
* (e.g., "bool_param" is a bool)
basicParams::basicParams(ComponentId_t id, Params& params) : Component(id)
out = new Output("", 1, 0, Output::STDOUT);

bool param0 = params.find<bool>("bool_param", false);
uint32_t param1 = params.find<uint32_t>("uint32_param", 400);
double param2 = params.find<double>("double_param", 12.5);
std:;string param3 = params.find>std::string>("string_param", "hello");

out->output("Found basic parameters: bool_param = %d, uint32_param = %" PRIu32 ", double_param = %f, string_param = %s\n",
param0, param1, param2, param3.c_str());

// Discover whether a parameter was passed in from the input file or not
bool found;
int param4 = params.find<int>("int_param", 0, found);

if (!found) {
out->fatal(CALL_INFO, -1, "Uh oh, in '%s', int_param is a required parameter, but it wasn't found in the parameter set.\n",
} else {
out->output("Found the required parameter 'int_param' and got %d\n", param4);

/* More complex types that have constructors which take strings
* - UnitAlgebra is a class provided by SST
* - ExampleType is a made up class for this example, see basicParams.h
UnitAlgebra param5 = params.find<UnitAlgebra>("ua_param", "2TB/s");
ExampleType param6 = params.find<ExampleType>("example_param", "key:5");

out->output("Read ua_param = %s\n", param5.toStringBestSI().c_str());
out->output("Read example_param. key = %s, value = %d\n", param6.key.c_str(), param6.value);

The Params header file is included with any SST object that supports Params.

#include <sst/core/component.h> // or
#include <sst/core/subcomponent.h> // or
#include <sst/core/componentExtension.h> // or
#include <sst/core/params.h> // if not included in base class