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This macro is deprecated as of SST 13. Use SST_ELI_REGISTER_MODULE instead.

SST_ELI_REGISTER_MODULE_DERIVED(class_name, "library", "name", 
SST_ELI_ELEMENT_VERSION(major, minorX, minorY), "description", api_class_name)

This macro was used temporarily to facilitate a signature change in SST_ELI_REGISTER_MODULE between SST 11 and 13. As of SST 13, it is deprecated and SST_ELI_REGISTER_MODULE uses the new signature. Any existing use of this macro can drop the _DERIVED in the macro name without any other change.


This macro must reside in a public section of the Module's header file.


  • class_name (class) The name of the Module class. This is not a string.
  • library (string) The name of the library that this Module belongs to. If the library name does not exist, it will be created.
  • name (string) The name that will be used to instantiate this Module in the simulation input configuration. It can be the same as the class_name but does not need to be. The full name of the Module will be
  • SST_ELI_ELEMENT_VERSION(major, minorX, minorY) This is a macro that specifies the version of a Module. major, minorX, and minorY are integers that form a version number major.minorX.minorY. For example: SST_ELI_ELEMENT_VERSION(3, 0, 9) yields a version of 3.0.9. Versions are not checked by SST, this is provided for developers to version and manage their libraries.
  • description (string) A description of the module
  • api_class_name (class) The fully qualified name of the module's API class. This is not a string


In this example, AModuleAPI is a Module API class. AnActualModule is an SST Module that inherits from AModuleAPI and inherits its ELI parameter as well.

#include <sst/core/module.h>

namespace SST {
class AModuleAPI : public SST::Module

{ "count", "The count of something", 20 }

/* Rest of class here */

class AnActualModule : public SST::AModuleAPI

/* SST_ELI_REGISTER_MODULE is deprecated for the moment so that we can
* change its signature, use SST_ELI_REGISTER_MODULE_DERIVED instead */
AnActualModule, // Module class
"exampleLibrary", // Element library (for Python/library lookup)
"mymodule", // Module name (for Python/library lookup)
SST_ELI_ELEMENT_VERSION(1,0,0), // Version of the component (not related to SST version)
"Example of ELI inheritance", // Description
SST::AModuleAPI // Module API

{ "name", "A name for this module" }

/* The module 'exampleLibrary.mymodule' will have two parameters: 'count' and 'name' */

/* Rest of class */
} /* End namespace SST */
#include <sst/core/module.h>