Structural Simulation Toolkit
►Nsprockit | |
Cserializable_ptr_type | |
►NSST | |
►NCore | |
►NEnvironment | |
CEnvironmentConfigGroup | |
CEnvironmentConfiguration | |
►NInterprocess | |
CCircularBuffer | |
CIPCTunnel | Tunneling class between two processes, connected by shared memory |
CMMAPChild_Pin3 | Class supports an IPC tunnel between two or more processes, via an mmap'd file This class attaches to an existing tunnel for a child process using PinCRT |
CMMAPParent | Class supports an IPC tunnel between two or more processes, via an mmap'd file |
CSHMChild | Class supports an IPC tunnel between two or more processes, via posix shared memory This class attaches to an existing tunnel for a child process |
CSHMParent | Class supports an IPC tunnel between two or more processes via posix shared memory This class creates the tunnel for the parent/master process |
CSSTMutex | |
CInternalSharedData | |
CTunnelDef | This class defines a shared-memory region between a master process and one or more child processes Region has three data structures: |
►NSerialization | |
►Npvt | |
Cser_array_wrapper | |
Craw_ptr_wrapper | |
Cser_buffer_overrun | |
Cser_buffer_accessor | |
Cser_packer | |
Cser_sizer | |
Cser_unpacker | |
Cserializable | |
Cserializable_type | |
Cserializable_builder | |
Cserializable_builder_impl | |
Cserializable_factory | |
Cserialize | Base serialize class |
Cserialize< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | Version of serialize that works for fundamental types and enums |
Cserialize< bool > | Version of serialize that works for bool |
Cserialize< T *, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | Version of serialize that works for pointers to fundamental types and enums |
Cserialize< std::pair< U, V > > | Version of serialize that works for std::pair |
Cserialize< T[N], typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | Version of serialize that works for statically allocated arrays of fundamental types and enums |
Cserialize< T[N], typename std::enable_if<!std::is_fundamental< T >::value &&!std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | Version of serialize that works for statically allocated arrays of non base types |
Cserialize< pvt::ser_array_wrapper< T, IntType >, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | Version of serialize that works for dynamically allocated arrays of fundamental types and enums |
Cserialize< pvt::ser_array_wrapper< T, IntType >, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_fundamental< T >::value &&!std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | Version of serialize that works for dynamically allocated arrays of non base types |
Cserialize< pvt::ser_array_wrapper< void, IntType > > | Version of serialize that works for statically allocated arrays of void* |
Cserialize< pvt::raw_ptr_wrapper< TPtr > > | Version of serialize that works for copying raw pointers (only copying the value of the pointer |
Cserialize< std::deque< T > > | |
Cserialize< std::list< T > > | |
Cserialize< std::map< Key, Value > > | |
Cserialize< std::unordered_map< Key, Value > > | |
Cserialize< serializable * > | |
Cserialize< T *, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SST::Core::Serialization::serializable, T >::value >::type > | |
Cserialize< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SST::Core::Serialization::serializable, T >::value >::type > | |
Cserialize< std::set< T > > | |
Cserialize< std::unordered_set< T > > | |
Cserialize< std::string > | |
Cserialize< std::vector< T > > | |
Cserializer | This class is basically a wrapper for objects to declare the order in which their members should be ser/des |
Cstatics | |
Cneed_delete_statics | |
Cserialize< SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT > > | |
►NThreadSafe | |
CBarrier | |
CSpinlock | |
CEmptySpinlock | |
CBoundedQueue | |
CUnboundedQueue | |
CDotConfigGraphOutput | |
CJSONConfigGraphOutput | |
CPythonConfigGraphOutput | |
CXMLConfigGraphOutput | |
CConfigGraphOutputException | |
CConfigGraphOutput | |
CMemPoolItem | |
CMemPoolAccessor | |
CSSTJSONModelDefinition | |
CSSTPythonModelDefinition | |
CSSTXmlModelDefinition | |
►NCoreTest | |
►NMessageMesh | |
CPortInterface | |
CRouteInterface | |
CEnclosingComponent | |
CPortSlot | |
CMessagePort | |
CRouteMessage | |
CMessageEvent | |
►NCoreTestClockerComponent | |
CcoreTestClockerComponent | |
►NCoreTestComponent | |
CcoreTestComponentBase | |
CcoreTestComponentBase2 | |
CcoreTestComponent | |
CcoreTestComponentEvent | |
CcoreTestLinks | |
►NCoreTestDistribComponent | |
CcoreTestDistribComponent | |
►NCoreTestLookupTableComponent | |
CcoreTestLookupTableComponent | |
►NCoreTestMemPoolTest | |
CMemPoolTestEvent1 | |
CMemPoolTestEvent2 | |
CMemPoolTestEvent3 | |
CMemPoolTestEvent4 | |
CMemPoolTestPerformanceEvent | |
CMemPoolTestComponent | |
►NCoreTestMessageGeneratorComponent | |
CcoreTestMessage | |
CcoreTestMessageGeneratorComponent | |
►NCoreTestModule | |
CCoreTestModuleExample | |
►NCoreTestParamComponent | |
CcoreTestParamComponent | |
►NCoreTestPerfComponent | |
CcoreTestPerfComponentBase | |
CcoreTestPerfComponentBase2 | |
CcoreTestPerfComponent | |
►NCoreTestRNGComponent | |
CcoreTestRNGComponent | |
►NCoreTestSerialization | |
CcoreTestSerialization | |
►NCoreTestSharedObjectsComponent | |
CsetItem | |
CcoreTestSharedObjectsComponent | |
►NCoreTestStatisticsComponent | |
CStatisticsComponentInt | |
CStatisticsComponentFloat | |
►NCoreTestSubComponent | |
CSubCompInterface | |
CSubCompSlotInterface | |
CSubComponentLoader | |
CSubCompSlot | |
CSubCompSendRecvInterface | |
CSubCompSender | |
CSubCompReceiver | |
►NELI | |
CGetAttributes | |
CGetAttributes< T, typename MethodDetect< decltype(T::ELI_getAttributes())>::type > | |
CProvidesAttributes | |
CProvidesCategory | |
CProvidesDefaultInfo | |
CBuilder | |
CBuilderLibrary | |
CBuilderLibraryDatabase | |
CBuilderLoader | |
CInstantiateBuilder | |
CAllocator | |
CCachedAllocator | |
CDerivedBuilder | |
Cis_tuple_constructible | |
Cis_tuple_constructible< T, std::tuple< Args... > > | |
CBuilderDatabase | |
CElementsBuilder | |
CElementsBuilder< Base, std::tuple< Args... > > | |
CExtendedCtor | Implements a constructor for a derived base as usually happens with subcomponents, e.g |
CSingleCtor | |
CCtorList | |
CNoValidConstructorsForDerivedType | |
CNoValidConstructorsForDerivedType< 0 > | |
CCtorList< Base, void > | |
CDataBase | |
CBuilderInfoImpl | |
CBuilderInfoImpl< void > | |
CInstantiateBuilderInfo | |
CInfoLibrary | |
CInfoLibraryDatabase | |
CInfoLoader | |
CElementsInfo | |
CInfoDatabase | |
CForceExport | |
CMethodDetect | |
CLibraryLoader | |
CLoadedLibraries | |
CProvidesInterface | |
CGetParams | |
CGetParams< T, typename MethodDetect< decltype(T::ELI_getParams())>::type > | |
CProvidesParams | |
CInfoPorts | |
CInfoPorts< T, typename MethodDetect< decltype(T::ELI_getPorts())>::type > | |
CProvidesPorts | |
CInfoProfilePoints | |
CInfoProfilePoints< T, typename MethodDetect< decltype(T::ELI_getProfilePoints())>::type > | |
CProvidesProfilePoints | |
CSimpleInfoPlaceHolder | |
CcheckForELI_getSimpleInfoFunction | |
CProvidesSimpleInfo | |
CInfoStats | |
CInfoStats< T, typename MethodDetect< decltype(T::ELI_getStatistics())>::type > | |
CProvidesStats | |
CInfoSubs | |
CInfoSubs< T, typename MethodDetect< decltype(T::ELI_getSubComponentSlots())>::type > | |
CProvidesSubComponentSlots | |
►NIMPL | |
►NPartition | |
CSSTLinearPartition | Performs a linear partition scheme of an SST simulation configuration |
CSSTRoundRobinPartition | |
CSSTSelfPartition | Self partitioner actually does nothing |
CSimplePartitioner | |
CSSTSinglePartition | Single partitioner is a virtual partitioner used for serial jobs |
CTimeVortexBinnedMap | |
CTimeVortexBinnedMap_ts | |
CPool | |
CTimeVortexBinnedMapBase | Primary Event Queue |
CTimeVortexPQ | |
CTimeVortexPQ_ts | |
CTimeVortexPQBase | Primary Event Queue |
►NInterfaces | |
►CSimpleMem | Simplified, generic interface to Memory models |
CRequest | Represents both memory requests and responses |
►CSimpleNetwork | Generic network interface |
CNetworkInspector | Class used to inspect network requests going through the network |
CRequest | Represents both network sends and receives |
►CStandardMem | Generic interface to Memory models |
CCustomData | |
CCustomReq | |
CCustomResp | |
CFlushAddr | |
CFlushResp | Response to a flush request |
CInvNotify | Notifies endpoint that an address has been invalidated from the L1 |
CLoadLink | Conditional atomic update |
CMoveData | Move: move data from one address to another Returns a WriteResp |
CRead | Read request |
CReadLock | Locked atomic update -> guaranteed success A ReadLock must be followed by a WriteUnlock |
CReadResp | Response to a Read |
CRequest | Base class for StandardMem commands |
CRequestConverter | |
CRequestHandler | |
CStoreConditional | |
CWrite | Request to write data |
CWriteResp | Response to a Write |
CWriteUnlock | |
CStringEvent | Simple event to pass strings between components |
CTestEvent | Test Event Useful for early-testing of components |
Csst_eli_fake_deprecated_class | |
►NPartition | |
CSSTPartitioner | Base class for Partitioning graphs |
►NProfile | |
CClockHandlerProfileToolTimeHighResolution | |
CClockHandlerProfileToolTimeSteady | |
CClockHandlerProfileTool | |
CClockHandlerProfileToolCount | Profile tool that will count the number of times a handler is called |
CClockHandlerProfileToolTime | Profile tool that will count the number of times a handler is called |
CComponentCodeSegmentProfileToolTimeHighResolution | |
CComponentCodeSegmentProfileToolTimeSteady | |
CComponentProfileTool | |
►CComponentCodeSegmentProfileTool | |
CProfilePoint | |
CComponentCodeSegmentProfileToolCount | Profile tool that will count the number of times a handler is called |
CComponentCodeSegmentProfileToolTime | Profile tool that will count the number of times a handler is called |
CEventHandlerProfileToolTimeHighResolution | |
CEventHandlerProfileToolTimeSteady | |
CEventHandlerProfileTool | |
CEventHandlerProfileToolCount | Profile tool that will count the number of times a handler is called |
CEventHandlerProfileToolTime | Profile tool that will count the number of times a handler is called |
CProfileTool | ProfileTool is a class loadable through the factory which allows dynamic addition of profiling capabililites to profile points |
CSyncProfileToolTimeHighResolution | |
CSyncProfileToolTimeSteady | |
CSyncProfileTool | |
CSyncProfileToolCount | Profile tool that will count the number of times a handler is called |
CSyncProfileToolTime | Profile tool that will count the number of times a handler is called |
►NRNG | |
CConstantDistribution | Implements a distribution which always returns a constant value (provided by the user) |
CDiscreteDistribution | Creates a discrete distribution for use within SST |
CRandomDistribution | Base class of statistical distributions in SST |
CExponentialDistribution | Creates an exponential distribution for use within SST |
CGaussianDistribution | Creates a Gaussian (normal) distribution for which to sample |
CMarsagliaRNG | Implements a random number generator using the Marsaglia method |
CMersenneRNG | Implements a Mersenne-based RNG for use in the SST core or components |
CPoissonDistribution | Creates an Poisson distribution for use within SST |
CRandom | Implements the base class for random number generators for the SST core |
CUniformDistribution | Creates a Uniform distribution for use within SST |
CXORShiftRNG | Implements a lightweight RNG based on XOR-shift operations |
►NShared | |
CSharedArray | SharedArray class |
CSharedArray< bool > | SharedArray class |
CSharedMap | SharedMap class |
CSharedObjectChangeSet | This is the base class for holding data on changes made to the shared data on each rank |
CSharedObjectData | Base class for holding SharedObject data |
CSharedObjectDataManager | |
CSharedObject | |
CSharedSet | SharedSet class |
►NStatistics | |
CStatistic | Forms the template defined base class for statistics gathering within SST |
CAccumulatorStatistic | Allows the online gathering of statistical information about a single quantity |
CStatisticInfo | |
CStatisticBase | Forms the base class for statistics gathering within SST |
CStatisticCollector | Base type that creates the virtual addData(...) interface Used for distinguishing fundamental types (collected by value) and composite struct types (collected by reference) |
CStatisticCollector< T, true > | |
CStatisticCollector< std::tuple< Args... >, false > | |
CStatistic< void > | Void Statistic has special meaning in that it does not collect fields in the usual way through the addData function |
CImplementsStatFields | |
CStatisticProcessingEngine | An SST core component that handles timing and event processing informing all registered Statistics to generate their outputs at desired rates |
CStatisticFieldTypeBase | |
CStatisticFieldType | |
CStatisticFieldInfo | The class for representing Statistic Output Fields |
CStatisticGroup | |
CHistogramStatistic | Holder of data grouped into pre-determined width bins |
CNullStatisticBase | |
CNullStatisticBase< T, true > | |
CNullStatisticBase< std::tuple< Args... >, false > | |
CNullStatisticBase< T, false > | |
CNullStatistic | An empty statistic place holder |
CNullStatistic< void > | |
CStatisticOutput | Forms the base class for statistics output generation within the SST core |
CStatisticFieldsOutput | |
CStatisticOutputCSV | The class for statistics output to a comma separated file |
CStatisticOutputHDF5 | The class for statistics output to a comma separated file |
CStatisticOutputJSON | The class for statistics output to a JSON formatted file |
CStatisticOutputTextBase | |
CStatisticOutputTxt | The class for statistics output to a text file |
CStatisticOutputConsole | The class for statistics output to the console |
CUniqueCountStatistic | Creates a Statistic which counts unique values provided to it |
Csst_eli_fake_deprecated_class | |
CAction | An Action is a schedulable Activity which is not an Event |
►CActivity | Base class for all Activities in the SST Event Queue |
Cgreater | Class to use as the greater than operator for STL functions or sorting algorithms (used if you want to sort opposite the natural soring order) |
Cless | Class to use as the less than operator for STL functions or sorting algorithms |
CActivityQueue | Base Class for a queue of Activities |
CBaseComponent | Main component object for the simulation |
CSubComponentSlotInfo | Used to load SubComponents when multiple SubComponents are loaded into a single slot (will also also work when a single SubComponent is loaded) |
CClock | A Clock class |
CClockHandlerMetaData | |
CComponent | Main component object for the simulation |
CComponentExtension | ComponentExtension is a class that can be loaded using loadComponentExtension<T>(...) |
►CComponentInfo | |
CEqualsID | |
CEqualsName | |
CHashID | |
CHashName | |
CComponentInfoMap | |
CConfigHelper | |
CConfig | Class to contain SST Simulation Configuration variables |
CLongOption | Struct that holds all the getopt_long options along with the docuementation for the option |
CAnnotationInfo | |
CConfigBase | Base class to parse command line options for SST Simulation Configuration variables |
CConfigLink | Represents the configuration of a generic Link |
CConfigStatistic | |
CConfigStatGroup | |
CConfigStatOutput | |
CConfigComponent | Represents the configuration of a generic component |
CConfigGraph | A Configuration Graph A graph representing Components and Links |
CPartitionComponent | |
CPartitionLink | |
CPartitionGraph | |
CConfigShared | Class to contain SST Simulation Configuration variables |
Cdecimal_fixedpoint | Class that implements a decimal fixed-point number |
CElemLoader | Class to load Element Libraries |
CSST_ELI_element_version_extraction | |
CElementInfoStatistic | Describes Statistics used by a Component |
CElementInfoParam | Describes Parameters to a Component |
CElementInfoPort | Describes Ports that the Component can use |
CElementInfoSubComponentSlot | |
CElementInfoProfilePoint | |
CElementInfoAttribute | |
CEvent | Base class for Events - Items sent across links to communicate between components |
CEmptyEvent | Empty Event |
CEventHandlerMetaData | |
CExit | Exit Event Action |
CFactory | Class for instantiating Components, Links and the like out of element libraries |
CSimulatorHeartbeat | An optional heartbeat to show progress in a simulation |
CInitQueue | ActivityQueue for use during the init() phase |
CNullEvent | Null Event |
CLinkSendProfileToolList | |
CLink | Link between two components |
CSelfLink | Self Links are links from a component to itself |
CLinkMap | Maps port names to the Links that are connected to it |
CLinkPair | Defines a pair of links (to define a connected link) |
CSSTElementPythonModuleCode | Class to represent the code that needs to be added to create the python module struture for the library |
CSSTElementPythonModule | Base class for python modules in element libraries |
CPyStatistic | |
CStatisticPy_t | |
CStatGroupPy_t | |
CStatOutputPy_t | |
CSSTModelDescription | Base class for Model Generation |
CModule | Module is a tag class used with the loadModule function |
CNameCheck | |
COneShot | A OneShot Event class |
COutput | Output object provides consistent method for outputting data to stdout, stderr and/or sst debug file |
CTraceFunction | |
CParams | Parameter store |
CPollingLinkQueue | A link queue which is used for polling only |
CRankInfo | |
CSimulation | Main control class for a SST Simulation |
CSimulation_impl | Main control class for a SST Simulation |
CSparseVectorMap | Class that stores data in a vector, but can access the data similar to a map |
Cbad_filtered_key_error | Exception that is thrown by SparseVectorMap::filter() if the filtering object returns an object that returns a different value from the key() function than what was passed into the filter |
CSparseVectorMap< keyT, classT * > | Class that stores data in a vector, but can access the data similar to a map |
CSparseVectorMap< keyT, keyT > | Templated version of SparseVectorMap where the data and key are the same (actually more like a set than a map in this case) |
CHandlerMetaData | Just a tag class for the various metadata that will need to be stored in the simulation object to allow ProfileTools to get the data they need |
CHandlerProfileToolAPI | |
►CSSTHandlerBaseProfile | Functor classes for Event handling |
CHandlerProfileToolList | |
CSSTHandlerBase | Handlers with 1 handler defined argument to callback from caller |
CSSTHandlerBase< void, argT > | |
CSSTHandler | Handler class with user-data argument |
CSSTHandler< returnT, argT, classT, void > | Event Handler class with no user-data |
CSSTHandlerBaseNoArgs | Handlers with no arguments to callback from caller |
CSSTHandlerBaseNoArgs< void > | |
CSSTHandlerNoArgs | Event Handler class with user-data argument |
CSSTHandlerNoArgs< returnT, classT, void > | Event Handler class with no user-data |
CSSTInfoConfig | The SSTInfo Configuration class |
CSSTLibraryInfo | The SSTInfo representation of ElementLibraryInfo object |
CStopAction | Action which causes the Simulation to end |
Cchar_delimiter | |
Cescaped_list_separator | |
CTokenizer | |
CSubComponent | SubComponent is a class loadable through the factory which allows dynamic functionality to be added to a Component |
CRankSyncParallelSkip | |
CRankSyncSerialSkip | |
CEmptyRankSync | |
CEmptyThreadSync | |
CSyncProfileToolList | |
CRankSync | |
CThreadSync | |
CSyncManager | |
►CSyncQueue | Internal API |
CHeader | |
CThreadSyncDirectSkip | |
CThreadSyncQueue | Base Class for a queue of Activities |
CThreadSyncSimpleSkip | |
CTimeConverter | A class to convert between a component's view of time and the core's view of time |
CTimeLord | Class for creating and managing TimeConverter objects |
CTimeVortex | Primary Event Queue |
CUninitializedQueue | Always uninitialized queue |
CUnits | Helper class internal to UnitAlgebra |
CUnitAlgebra | Performs Unit math in full precision |
CComponentHolder | |
CComponentPy_t | |
CLinkPy_t | |
CModuleLoaderPy_t | |
COverallOutputter | |
CPyComponent | |
CPySubComponent | |
CSimThreadInfo_t | |
CUnitAlgebraPy_t |