Adding Additional External Components For SST 5.1.x


These instructions are intended to walk the user through a detailed set of steps to build and install the optional external components used by SST. It is intended for users with intermediate knowledge in the operation of Unix/Linux/OSX environments.

NOTE: The following instructions assume the user has completed the basic build steps for SST outlined in Detailed Build and Installation Instructions for SST.

The SST Release Notes identify what operating systems, compiler and external component combinations have been tested and proven to work with SST.

NOTE: Using combinations other than what is identified in the Release Notes may cause build failures and/or unexpected results.

A detailed list of elements provided with the SST distribution are available at SST Element Summary and SST Element Release Matrix.

If you encounter difficulties, go to the SST Support page.

NOTE: Building SST and its External Components can sometimes be cumbersome and error prone due to the sheer number of combinations of operating systems, compiler versions and external required components. It is STRONGLY recommended that users closely follow these instructions.

General Build and Install Information

Refer to Detailed SST Build and Install Instructions for more information on system requirements, special instructions, example directories and additional tasks for users.

Optional External Components Installation

SST allows for a number of optional external packages which can be tricky to build. Some notes and hints are included here.

Carefully following the instructions provided below should minimize any problems that may arise.

DRAMSim2 2.2.2


General Infomation:

Where to find:

Build Instructions:

- Instructions specific to Linux Operating Systems.

1. Assuming that the tarfile has been downloaded to $HOME/scratch/src, unarchive v2.2.2.tar.gz

$ cd $HOME/scratch/src
$ tar xfz v2.2.2.tar.gz
$ mv DRAMSim2-2.2.2 DRAMSim2
$ cd DRAMSim2

2. Set the home directory environment variable of the DRAMSim2 installation.

$ export DRAMSIM2_HOME=$HOME/local/packages/DRAMSim2

3. Build the DRAMSim2 library

$ make   

4. Install DRAMSim2 library

$ cp -r . $DRAMSIM2_HOME     

5. Configure SST to use DRAMSim2

$ cd <to SST base directory>
$ ./configure <all other SST configure options> --with-dramsim=$DRAMSIM2_HOME
$ make install

- Instructions specific to Mac OSX Operating Systems.

1. Assuming that the tarfile has been downloaded to $HOME/scratch/src, unarchive v2.2.2.tar.gz

$ cd $HOME/scratch/src
$ tar xfz v2.2.2.tar.gz
$ mv DRAMSim2-2.2.2 DRAMSim2
$ cd DRAMSim2

2. Set the home directory environment variable of the DRAMSim2 installation.

$ export DRAMSIM2_HOME=$HOME/local/packages/DRAMSim2

3. Build the DRAMSim2 library

$ make libdramsim.dylib   

4. Install DRAMSim2 library

$ cp -r . $DRAMSIM2_HOME     

5. Configure SST to use DRAMSim2

$ cd <to SST base directory>
$ ./configure <all other SST configure options> --with-dramsim=$DRAMSIM2_HOME
$ make install

NVDIMMSim 2.0.0


General Infomation:

Where to find:

Build Instructions:

- Instructions specific to Linux Operating Systems.

1. Assuming that the tarfile has been downloaded to $HOME/scratch/src, unarchive NVDIMMSim-2.0.0.tar.gz

$ cd $HOME/scratch/src
$ tar xfz NVDIMMSim-2.0.0.tar.gz
$ mv NVDIMMSim-2.0.0 NVDIMMSim
$ cd NVDIMMSim/src

2. Set the home directory environment variable of the NVDIMMSim installation.

$ export NVDIMMSIM_HOME=$HOME/local/packages/NVDIMMSim

3. Build the NVDIMMSim library

$ make   

4. Install NVDIMMSIM library

$ cp -r . $NVDIMMSIM_HOME     

5. Configure SST to use NVDIMMSim

$ cd <to SST base directory>
$ ./configure <all other SST configure options> --with-nvdimmsim=$NVDIMMSIM_HOME
$ make install

- Instructions specific to Mac OSX Operating Systems.

1. Assuming that the tarfile has been downloaded to $HOME/scratch/src, unarchive NVDIMMSim-2.0.0.tar.gz

$ cd $HOME/scratch/src
$ tar xfz NVDIMMSim-2.0.0.tar.gz
$ mv NVDIMMSim-2.0.0 NVDIMMSim
$ cd NVDIMMSim/src

2. Set the home directory environment variable of the NVDIMMSim installation.

$ export NVDIMMSIM_HOME=$HOME/local/packages/NVDIMMSim

3. Build the NVDIMMSim library

$ make libnvdsim.dylib

4. Install NVDIMMSIM library

$ cp -r . $NVDIMMSIM_HOME     

5. Configure SST to use NVDIMMSim

$ cd <to SST base directory>
$ ./configure <all other SST configure options> --with-nvdimmsim=$NVDIMMSIM_HOME
$ make install

HybridSim 2.0.1


General Infomation:

Where to find:

Build Instructions:

- Instructions specific to Linux Operating Systems.

1. Assuming that the tarfile has been downloaded to $HOME/scratch/src, unarchive HybridSim-2.0.1.tar.gz

$ cd $HOME/scratch/src
$ tar xfz HybridSim-2.0.1.tar.gz
$ mv HybridSim-2.0.1 HybridSim
$ cd HybridSim

2. Set the home directory environment variable of the HybridSim installation.

$ export HYBRIDSIM_HOME=$HOME/local/packages/HybridSim

3. Build the HybridSim library

$ make   

4. Install HybridSim library

$ cp -r . $HYBRIDSIM_HOME     

5. Configure SST to use HybridSim

$ cd <to SST base directory>
$ ./configure <all other SST configure options> --with-hybridsim=$HYBRIDSIM_HOME
$ make install

- Instructions specific to Mac OSX Operating Systems.

1. Assuming that the tarfile has been downloaded to $HOME/scratch/src, unarchive HybridSim-2.0.1.tar.gz

$ cd $HOME/scratch/src
$ tar xfz HybridSim-2.0.1.tar.gz
$ mv HybridSim-2.0.1 HybridSim
$ cd HybridSim

2. Set the home directory environment variable of the HybridSim installation.

$ export HYBRIDSIM_HOME=$HOME/local/packages/HybridSim

3. Build the HybridSim library

$ make libhybridsim.dylib

4. Install HybridSim library

$ cp -r . $HYBRIDSIM_HOME     

5. Configure SST to use HybridSim

$ cd <to SST base directory>
$ ./configure <all other SST configure options> --with-hybridsim=$HYBRIDSIM_HOME
$ make install

QSim 0.2.1


General Infomation:

Where to find:

Build Instructions:

- Instructions specific to Linux Operating Systems.

1. Assuming that the tarfile has been downloaded to $HOME/scratch/src, unarchive 0.2.1.tar.gz

$ cd $HOME/scratch/src
$ tar xfz 0.2.1.tar.gz
$ cd qsim-0.2.1

2. Set the home directory environment variable of the QSim installation.

$ export QSIM_HOME=$HOME/local/packages/QSim

3. Apply a patch to QSim 0.2.1 - (Fixes a file open problem with Ubuntu)

$ patch -i <SST 5.1.x Source Root>/deps/patches/qsim-0.2.1-fileOpenCheck.patch

4. Obtain the qemu-0.12.3.tar.gz file. (The script will attempt to download it from the Internet if a local copy cannot be found.)

$ ./
$ pushd qemu-0.12.3
$ make
$ popd
$ make install

5. Configure SST to use QSim

$ cd <to SST base directory>
$ ./configure <all other SST configure options> --with-qsim=$QSIM_HOME
$ make install

GLPK 4.54

OPTIONAL EXTERNAL COMPONENT - Used by Scheduler Element for optional enhanced features

General Infomation:

Where to find:

Build Instructions:

1. Assuming that the tarfile has been downloaded to $HOME/scratch/src, unarchive glpk-4.54.tar.gz

$ cd $HOME/scratch/src
$ tar xfz glpk-4.54.tar.gz
$ cd glpk-4.54

2. Set the home directory environment variable of the GLPK installation.

$ export GLPK_HOME=$HOME/local/packages/GLPK

3. Configure the build and installation of glpk

$ ./configure --prefix=$GLPK_HOME

4. Build and install glpk

$ make all install

5. Configure SST to use glpk

$ cd <to SST base directory>
$ ./configure <all other SST configure options> --with-glpk=$GLPK_HOME
$ make install


OPTIONAL EXTERNAL COMPONENT - Used by Scheduler Element for optional enhanced features

General Infomation:

Where to find:

Build Instructions:

1. Assuming that the tarfile has been downloaded to $HOME/scratch/src, unarchive metis-5.1.0.tar.gz

$ cd $HOME/scratch/src
$ tar xfz metis-5.1.0.tar.gz
$ cd metis-5.1.0

2. Set the home directory environment variable of the METIS installation.

$ export METIS_HOME=$HOME/local/packages/METIS

3. Edit the METIS Make file located at $HOME/scratch/src/metis-5.1.0/Makefile as follows:

# enable GKRAND support

4. Edit the METIS include file located at $HOME/scratch/src/metis-5.1.0/include/metis.h as follows:



5. Configure, Build and install METIS

$ make config prefix=$METIS_HOME
$ make
$ make install

6. Configure SST to use METIS

$ cd <to SST base directory>
$ ./configure <all other SST configure options> --with-metis=$METIS_HOME
$ make install

Zoltan 3.8


General Infomation:

Where to find:

Build Instructions:

1. Assuming that the tarfile has been downloaded to $HOME/scratch/src, unarchive zoltan_distrib_v3.8.tar.gz

$ cd $HOME/scratch/src
$ tar xfz zoltan_distrib_v3.8.tar.gz
$ cd Zoltan_v3.8
$ mkdir build
$ cd build

2. Set the home directory environment variable of the Zoltan installation.

$ export ZOLTAN_HOME=$HOME/local/packages/Zoltan

3. Configure the build and installation of Zoltan

$ CC=`which mpicc` CXX=`which mpicxx` ../configure --with-cflags="-fPIC" --with-cxxflags="-fPIC" --prefix=$ZOLTAN_HOME

4. Build and Install Zoltan

$ make everything
$ make install  

5. Configure SST to use Zoltan

$ cd <to SST base directory>
$ ./configure <all other SST configure options> --with-zoltan=$ZOLTAN_HOME
$ make install

MacSim 2.2.0


General Infomation:

Where to find:

Build Instructions:

1. Assuming that the tarfile has been downloaded to $HOME/scratch/src, unarchive macsim-2.2.0.tar.gz

$ cd $HOME/scratch/src
$ tar xfz macsim-2.2.0.tar.gz 

2. Copy the macsim directory to the SST elements directory

$ cp -r macsim <SST 5.1.x Source Root>/sst/elements/macsimComponent

3. Build SST (with MacSim)

$ cd <to SST base directory>
$ ./
$ ./configure <user SST configure options>
$ make install  

Intel Pin Tool 2.14-71313

OPTIONAL EXTERNAL COMPONENT - Required for Ariel Element

General Infomation:

Where to find:

Build Instructions:

- Instructions specific to Linux Operating Systems.

1. Assuming that the tarfile has been downloaded to $HOME/scratch/src, unarchive pin

$ cd $HOME/scratch/src
$ tar xfz pin-2.14-71313-gcc.4.4.7-linux.tar.gz

2. Set the home directory environment variable of the PinTool installation.

$ export PIN_HOME=$HOME/local/packages/pin-2.14-71313-gcc.4.4.7-linux

3. Copy the macsim directory to the SST elements directory

$ cp -r pin-2.14-71313-gcc.4.4.7-linux $PIN_HOME

4. Configure SST to use PinTool

$ cd <to SST base directory>
$ ./configure <all other SST configure options> --with-pin=$PIN_HOME
$ make install

- Instructions specific to Mac OSX Operating Systems using Clang.

1. Assuming that the tarfile has been downloaded to $HOME/scratch/src, unarchive pin

$ cd $HOME/scratch/src
$ tar xfz pin-2.14-71313-clang.5.1-mac.tar.gz

2. Set the home directory environment variable of the PinTool installation.

$ export PIN_HOME=$HOME/local/packages/pin-2.14-71313-clang.5.1-mac

3. Copy the macsim directory to the SST elements directory

$ cp -r pin-2.14-71313-clang.5.1-mac $PIN_HOME

4. Configure SST to use PinTool

$ cd <to SST base directory>
$ ./configure <all other SST configure options> --with-pin=$PIN_HOME
$ make install