SST  14.1.0
SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT > Class Template Reference

Class that stores data in a vector, but can access the data similar to a map. More...

#include <sparseVectorMap.h>

Public Types

typedef std::vector< classT >::iterator iterator
typedef std::vector< classT >::const_iterator const_iterator

Public Member Functions

 SparseVectorMap ()
 Default constructor for SparseVectorMap.
 SparseVectorMap (std::vector< classT > &new_data, bool sorted=false)
 Constructor that allows you to pass an already filled in array with data. More...
classT & insert (const classT &val)
 Insert new value into SparseVectorMap. More...
iterator begin ()
 Returns the begin iterator to the underlying vector. More...
iterator end ()
 Returns the end iterator to the underlying vector. More...
const_iterator begin () const
 Returns the const begin iterator to the underlying vector. More...
const_iterator end () const
 Returns the const end iterator to the underlying vector. More...
bool contains (keyT id) const
 Checks if the provided id is found in the SparseVectorMap. More...
classT & operator[] (keyT id)
 Operator returns a reference to data with the specified id. More...
const classT & operator[] (keyT id) const
 Operator returns a const reference to data with the specified id. More...
void clear ()
 Clears the contents of the SparseVectorMap.
size_t size ()
 Returns the number of items in the SparseVectorMap. More...


class SST::Core::Serialization::serialize< SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT > >
class ConfigGraph

Detailed Description

template<typename keyT, typename classT = keyT>
class SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT >

Class that stores data in a vector, but can access the data similar to a map.

The data structure is O(log n) on reads, but is O(n) to insert. The primary use case is when data is inserted in order, but accessed randomly. You can also create the SparseVectorMap with a vector already loaded with the data. If the data is not already sorted, it will call std::sort on the data, which likely has an average complexity of O(n log n). This data structure should not be used for large lists where inserts do not happen in sorted order.

NOTE: Since the data is stored in the vector, reference returned from the various accessor functions will not be valid longterm. If an insert causes the vector to be resized, all references returned before that reallocation may (likely will) be invalid. References are only guaranteed to be valid until the next write to the data structure.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SparseVectorMap()

template<typename keyT, typename classT = keyT>
SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT >::SparseVectorMap ( std::vector< classT > &  new_data,
bool  sorted = false 

Constructor that allows you to pass an already filled in array with data.

The data in the passed in vector will be swapped into the data vector of the sparsevectormap and the passed in vector will be empty.

new_dataVector of data to swap into the sparsevectormap data
sortedSpecifies whether the vector is already sorted in ascending order. if not, it will be sorted after swapping the data in.

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin() [1/2]

template<typename keyT, typename classT = keyT>
iterator SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT >::begin ( )

◆ begin() [2/2]

template<typename keyT, typename classT = keyT>
const_iterator SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT >::begin ( ) const

Returns the const begin iterator to the underlying vector.

const begin iterator to data vector

◆ contains()

template<typename keyT, typename classT = keyT>
bool SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT >::contains ( keyT  id) const

Checks if the provided id is found in the SparseVectorMap.

idid to check for
true if id is found, false otherwise

◆ end() [1/2]

template<typename keyT, typename classT = keyT>
iterator SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT >::end ( )

◆ end() [2/2]

template<typename keyT, typename classT = keyT>
const_iterator SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT >::end ( ) const

Returns the const end iterator to the underlying vector.

const end iterator to data vector

◆ insert()

template<typename keyT, typename classT = keyT>
classT& SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT >::insert ( const classT &  val)

Insert new value into SparseVectorMap.

The inserted class must have a key() function with return type keyT.

valvalue to add to SparseVectorMap
reference to the inserted item, or to the existing item if it was already present in the map.

Referenced by SST::IMPL::Partition::SimplePartitioner::performPartition().

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

template<typename keyT, typename classT = keyT>
classT& SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT >::operator[] ( keyT  id)

Operator returns a reference to data with the specified id.

Value can be modified. This will only return references to existing values, you must use insert() for new values.

idid of the value to return (value returned by key())
reference to the requested item.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

template<typename keyT, typename classT = keyT>
const classT& SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT >::operator[] ( keyT  id) const

Operator returns a const reference to data with the specified id.

Value cannot be modified. This will only return references to existing values, you must use insert() for new values.

idid of the value to return (value returned by key())
const reference to the requested item.

◆ size()

template<typename keyT, typename classT = keyT>
size_t SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT >::size ( )

Returns the number of items in the SparseVectorMap.

number of items

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