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Testing FAQ

Test Frameworks

When I run the test framework, some tests are SKIPPED, is that a problem?

This is normal. Tests are skipped if they are ineligible to run. Some reasons include:

  • A test depends on a package that wasn't built (e.g., Ramulator)
  • A test is not compatible with the SST run variant (e.g., the test has only two components and the test framework is running SST with 8 threads)
  • A test is not compatible with the platform (e.g., requires a library only supported on Linux but the test is running on OSX)

Why are tests failing with a 'wget' error?

Some SST Elements tests require extra files that are located separately. The test framework uses wget to download these from sst-downloads. If the rest of the tests are passing, it is likely this is just a problem with wget and not a larger issue.

Pull Requests

Why did the "make dist" job fail?

The most common cause of a failure is that a new file was added to the codebase but was not included in the's list of files to distribute. All files that need to be distributed, including test and reference files, need to be included.

My pull request passes on Linux jobs and fails on OSX, why?

There are many possible reasons, some common ones are:

  • GCC and Clang do not produce identical warnings and errors, and things that cause a compile error or warning on one may not show the same issue on the other.
  • Check any use of an unordered standard library container carefully. If the order of container elements inadvertantly affects event ordering, test output can diff between platforms.

There's a tag, "WIP", on a pull request, what does that mean?

WIP means work-in-progress. It prevents a pull request from going through testing even if it has all neccessary approvals.