Introduction to and Exploration of the Structural Simulation Toolkit (SST)

Location: ISPASS 2024, Indianapolis, IN

Organizers: Patrick Lavin, Joseph Kenny; Sandia National Laboratories

Date/Time: Sunday May 5, 2024; 8AM-12PM

Tutorial materials

We will update this with instructions on where to access slides and code for the hands-on exercises. In the meantime, explore SST’s general documentation.


As computing systems become increasingly complex, simulation has taken on a pervasive role in the process of designing and analyzing proposed systems. In parallel with the increased use of simulations, there has been growth in the number of available models for specific applications, fomenting a growing urgency for interoperability, consistency, and communication between simulation tools and their developers. To ease the use and interoperability of larger simulated systems, a standard communication methodology between models is needed. We will introduce attendees to the Structural Simulation Toolkit, SST, as a framework for building interoperable simulators capable of modeling modern computer systems.

This tutorial will begin with an introduction to the core concepts in SST and a tour of the many architectural simulation components available in SST-Elements. We will then cover two in-depth examples: single-node, multi-core simulation using memHierarchy, and network simulation using Ember, Firefly, and Merlin.

Agenda (tentative, updated March 27, 2024)

Session 1: Introduction to SST and node-level modeling

Session 2: System-scale modeling