Introduction to and Exploration of the Structural Simulation Toolkit (SST)

Location: HPCA 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland

Organizers: Clay Hughes, Scott Hemmert, Patrick Lavin, Gwen Voskuilen; Sandia National Laboratories

Date/Time: Sunday Mar 3, 2024; AM


As components, architectures, and systems become increasingly complex, simulation has taken on a pervasive role in the process of realizing a complex engineering endeavor. Often, simulation is the foremost method of understanding the intricacies of novel high-performance architectures, emerging technologies, and the interconnect topologies while gathering crucial information about energy consumption, network efficiency, and software execution. In parallel with the increased use of simulations, there has been a growth in the number of available models for specific applications, fomenting a growing urgency for interoperability, consistency, and communication between simulation tools and their developers. To ease the use and interoperability of larger simulated systems, a standard communication methodology between models is needed. The tutorial will introduce, explain, and expand on several key concepts. SST will be introduced as a framework for modeling and simulation. After a brief introduction, key concepts such as the simulation environment and module creation will be discussed. An overview of the simulator framework will be presented, followed by an in-depth discussion of its features and their application. Specifically, the ember, firefly, and merlin stack for system-scale network modeling will be covered in detail.

Agenda (tentative, updated Jan 2, 2024)

Session 1: Introduction to SST

Break - 20m

Session 2: Deep-dive into system-scale modeling


Resources including tutorial exercises, container, and presentation materials will be linked here closer to the tutorial date. In the meantime, explore SST’s general documentation.