Allows the online gathering of statistical information about a single quantity.
| SST_ELI_DECLARE_STATISTIC_TEMPLATE (AccumulatorStatistic, "sst", "AccumulatorStatistic", SST_ELI_ELEMENT_VERSION(1, 0, 0), "Accumulate all contributions to a statistic", "SST::Statistic<T>") AccumulatorStatistic(BaseComponent *comp |
this | setStatisticTypeName ("Accumulator") |
void | serialize_order (SST::Core::Serialization::serializer &ser) override |
| Serialization.
NumberBase | getSum () |
| Provides the sum of the values presented so far. More...
NumberBase | getMax () |
Provides the maxmimum value presented so far. More...
NumberBase | getMin () |
Provides the minimum value presented so far. More...
NumberBase | getSumSquared () |
| Provides the sum of each value squared presented to the class so far. More...
NumberBase | getArithmeticMean () |
| Get the arithmetic mean of the values presented so far. More...
NumberBase | getVariance () |
| Get the variance of the values presented so far. More...
NumberBase | getStandardDeviation () |
| Get the standard deviation of the values presented so far. More...
uint64_t | getCount () |
| Get a count of the number of elements presented to the statistics collection so far. More...
void | clearStatisticData () override |
| Inform the Statistic to clear its data.
void | registerOutputFields (StatisticFieldsOutput *statOutput) override |
| Called by the system to tell the Statistic to register its output fields. More...
void | outputStatisticFields (StatisticFieldsOutput *statOutput, bool UNUSED(EndOfSimFlag)) override |
bool | isStatModeSupported (StatisticBase::StatMode_t mode) const override |
| SST_ELI_DECLARE_INFO (ELI::ProvidesInterface, ELI::ProvidesParams) using Datum |
void | addData (InArgs &&... args) |
| Add data to the Statistic This will call the addData_impl() routine in the derived Statistic.
void | addDataNTimes (uint64_t N, InArgs &&... args) |
void | enable () |
| Enable Statistic for collections.
void | disable () |
| Disable Statistic for collections.
virtual void | resetCollectionCount () |
| Set the current collection count to 0.
virtual void | incrementCollectionCount (uint64_t increment) |
| Increment current collection count.
virtual void | setCollectionCount (uint64_t newCount) |
| Set the current collection count to a defined value.
virtual void | setCollectionCountLimit (uint64_t newLimit) |
| Set the collection count limit to a defined value.
void | setFlagResetCountOnOutput (bool flag) |
| Set the Reset Count On Output flag. More...
void | setFlagClearDataOnOutput (bool flag) |
| Set the Clear Data On Output flag. More...
void | setFlagOutputAtEndOfSim (bool flag) |
| Set the Output At End Of Sim flag. More...
const std::string & | getCompName () const |
| Return the Component Name.
const std::string & | getStatName () const |
| Return the Statistic Name.
const std::string & | getStatSubId () const |
| Return the Statistic SubId.
const std::string & | getFullStatName () const |
| Return the full Statistic name of Component.StatName.SubId.
const std::string & | getStatTypeName () const |
| Return the Statistic type name.
const StatisticFieldInfo::fieldType_t & | getStatDataType () const |
| Return the Statistic data type.
const char * | getStatDataTypeShortName () const |
| Return the Statistic data type.
const char * | getStatDataTypeFullName () const |
| Return the Statistic data type.
BaseComponent * | getComponent () const |
| Return a pointer to the parent Component.
bool | isEnabled () const |
| Return the enable status of the Statistic.
bool | isOutputEnabled () const |
| Return the enable status of the Statistic's ability to output data.
uint64_t | getCollectionCountLimit () const |
| Return the collection count limit.
uint64_t | getCollectionCount () const |
| Return the current collection count.
bool | getFlagResetCountOnOutput () const |
| Return the ResetCountOnOutput flag value.
bool | getFlagClearDataOnOutput () const |
| Return the ClearDataOnOutput flag value.
bool | getFlagOutputAtEndOfSim () const |
| Return the OutputAtEndOfSim flag value.
StatMode_t | getRegisteredCollectionMode () const |
| Return the collection mode that is registered.
void | delayOutput (const char *delayTime) |
| Delay the statistic from outputting data for a specified delay time. More...
void | delayCollection (const char *delayTime) |
| Delay the statistic from collecting data for a specified delay time. More...
virtual bool | isReady () const |
| Indicate that the Statistic is Ready to be used.
virtual bool | isNullStatistic () const |
| Indicate if the Statistic is a NullStatistic.
Params & | getParams () |
| Return the Statistic Parameters NOTE: This must be public so that it is accessible to the serialize_impl class for statistics.
template<typename NumberBase>
class SST::Statistics::AccumulatorStatistic< NumberBase >
Allows the online gathering of statistical information about a single quantity.
The basic statistics are captured online removing the need to keep a copy of the values of interest.
- Template Parameters
NumberBase | A template for the basic numerical type of values |