SST  14.1.0
SST::Profile::EventHandlerProfileToolTime< T > Class Template Reference

Profile tool that will count the number of times a handler is called. More...

#include <eventHandlerProfileTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for SST::Profile::EventHandlerProfileToolTime< T >:
SST::Profile::EventHandlerProfileTool SST::HandlerProfileToolAPI SST::Profile::ProfileTool

Public Member Functions

 EventHandlerProfileToolTime (const std::string &name, Params &params)
uintptr_t registerHandler (const HandlerMetaData &mdata) override
void handlerStart (uintptr_t UNUSED(key)) override
void handlerEnd (uintptr_t key) override
void eventSent (uintptr_t key, Event *UNUSED(ev)) override
void outputData (FILE *fp) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from SST::Profile::EventHandlerProfileTool
 SST_ELI_DOCUMENT_PARAMS ({ "level", "Level at which to track profile (global, type, component, subcomponent)", "type" }, { "track_ports", "Controls whether to track by individual ports", "false" }, { "profile_sends", "Controls whether sends are profiled (due to location of profiling point in the code, turning on send profiling will incur relatively high overhead)", "false" }, { "profile_receives", "Controls whether receives are profiled", "true" },) enum class Profile_Level
 EventHandlerProfileTool (const std::string &name, Params &params)
virtual void eventSent (uintptr_t UNUSED(key), Event *UNUSED(ev))
bool profileSends ()
bool profileReceives ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SST::HandlerProfileToolAPI
virtual void handlerEnd (uintptr_t UNUSED(key))
- Public Member Functions inherited from SST::Profile::ProfileTool
std::string getName ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from SST::Profile::EventHandlerProfileTool
std::string getKeyForHandler (const HandlerMetaData &mdata)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SST::HandlerProfileToolAPI
 HandlerProfileToolAPI (const std::string &name)
- Protected Attributes inherited from SST::Profile::EventHandlerProfileTool
Profile_Level profile_level_
bool track_ports_
bool profile_sends_
bool profile_receives_
- Protected Attributes inherited from SST::Profile::ProfileTool
const std::string name

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class SST::Profile::EventHandlerProfileToolTime< T >

Profile tool that will count the number of times a handler is called.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: