SST v7.2.0 Released
SST v7.2.0 is now available and can be downloaded here
The SST v7.2.0 release follows the standard release process of having our point releases provide improved performance and stability. In this release, we have focused on many under the hood fixes to address bugs as well as improving predictive accuracy and simulation speed.
A selection of the improvement highlights are:
- SST will now dump output (e.g. statistics and debugging) into a specific directory which
can be set from the command line
- Fixed an issue with Python flags when using sst-config
- Fixed threading hangings on POWER8LE systems
- Fixed an issue with memory pool corruption on POWER8LE
- Fixed an issue with hanging on POWER7BE systems
- Fixed an issue relating to corruption of statistics in heavily threaded runs
- Fixed self-partitioner not found issue
- SST Info now correctly reports partitioner information
- Can now enable all statistics output for SubComponents
- Support for output of statistics in JSON format
- SST Config will now report being built with MPI
- Ariel - added a cycle counter to statistics output
- Ember - fixed an issue where reductions may be corrupted when using sub-communicators
- FireFly - fixed an issue where recv entries could fail
- MemHierarchy - fixed an issue with memory flushing on POWER7BE
- MemHierarchy - fixed namespace conflict issues with DRAMSim2 and HBMDramSim2
- MemHierarchy - added support for HBMDramSim2 as a third party library
- Miranda - fixes multiple-issue per cycle bug
- Miranda - fixed issue with address rollover in some loads
- VaultSim - enable runs without backing to reduce memory consumption
- Improved auto-skeletonization support
- Improved OTF2 support
- Support for Boost fcontext to reduce context switching overheads
- New parallel algorithms optimized for LogP model
- Various performance improvements, including avoiding shared_ptr atomic reference count overheads
- Various bug fixes, including for call graph and FTQ statistics
- Parameter proofreading to reduce input errors
Current release information can be found here
We look forward to hearing your successes with the latest release!
SST Research and Product Teams
Sandia National Laboratories, USA