Examples of Markdown code below - See page source to better understand usage

This markdown code is converted to HTML using the Kramdown processor
There are some strengths and weaknesses with markdown and Kramdown. Some examples are shown below. Kramdown extensions for Attribute lists are used to implement some functionality.

NOTE: You may need to review this page’s source to better understand the syntax

THIS IS A TOC (See source on how to implement)

Markdown Headers 1

Table Of Contents Example (See page source) ——————————>

Markdown Headers 2

Markdown Headers 3

Markdown Headers 4

Markdown Header 4 SPECIAL (NOT IN TOC - See page source)

Markdown Headers 5
Markdown Headers 6

Inline Text Emphasis (see page source)

Using **bold** or __bold__; *italic* or _italic_ and `code block`

Results = bold or bold; italic or italic and code block

Strikethrough must be done using html <del>Strikethrough</del> tags

You can escape special characters by using \

Changing the color of this Text

Here is a footnote1

Abbreviations can be shown here SST (hover over SST)


Example Souce

  Ordered List
  1. test
  1. test 1
  1. test 2
  Unordered List
  * Bullet 1
    * Subbullet 1
    * Subbullet 2
  * Bullet 2
  * Bullet 3
- Dashes work just as well
- And if you have sub points, put two spaces before the dash or star:
  - Like this
  - And this

: definition
: another definition

another term
and another term
: and a definition for the term


  1. test
  2. test 1
  3. test 2
another definition
another term
and another term
and a definition for the term

Task lists (GitHub feature) - Note: This feature does not seem to work as advertised by GitHub


Coffee. The finest organic suspension ever devised… I beat the Borg with it.

Contact SST Support for assistance with questions and issues regarding SST.

Imbedding images


![Image](http://www.zap.org.au/documents/styles/sinorcaish/example/sinorcaish.png "Sinorcaish")


<img src="{ {site.baseurl} }/img/sst-logo-small.png" alt="sst-simulator.org" width="140" height="79" />


[GitHub](http://github.com) = GitHub

Also we can get text when hovering over a link. Like this Kramdown

We can also use references names to a link like this - See page source for details.

This is a header accessed via a reference link from below. Click Here to go there.

Code blocks (See page source for examples)

<Code Block>
<Code Block>

Example1 (No Highlighting)

if (isAwesome){
  return true
if (isAwesome){
  return true

Example2 (Ruby Highlighting)

require 'redcarpet'
markdown = Redcarpet.new("Hello World!")
puts markdown.to_html
require 'redcarpet'
markdown = Redcarpet.new("Hello World!")
puts markdown.to_html

Example3 (C Plus Plus Highlighting)

#include <sst/core/sst_types.h>
#include <sst/core/component.h>
namespace SST {
namespace SimpleComponent {
class simpleComponent : public SST::Component {
  simpleComponent(SST::ComponentId_t id, SST::Params& params);
  int Setup() {return 0;}
  int Finish() {return 0;}
  SST::Link* N;
  SST::Link* S;
  SST::Link* E;
  SST::Link* W;
#include <sst/core/sst_types.h>
#include <sst/core/component.h>
namespace SST {
namespace SimpleComponent {
class simpleComponent : public SST::Component {
  simpleComponent(SST::ComponentId_t id, SST::Params& params);
  int Setup() {return 0;}
  int Finish() {return 0;}
  SST::Link* N;
  SST::Link* S;
  SST::Link* E;
  SST::Link* W;

Example4 (XML Highlighting)

<component name=c0 type=simpleComponent.simpleComponent> 
  <link name=Nlink port=A lat=10ns /> 
  <link name=Slink port=A lat=10ns /> 
  <link name=Elink port=A lat=10ns /> 
  <link name=Wlink port=A lat=10ns /> 
<component name=c0 type=simpleComponent.simpleComponent> 
  <link name=Nlink port=A lat=10ns /> 
  <link name=Slink port=A lat=10ns /> 
  <link name=Elink port=A lat=10ns /> 
  <link name=Wlink port=A lat=10ns /> 

GitHub Pages Plugins:

Display a floating box

This is a test of a floating box. this is junk data to make the line longer.

incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex eacommodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Using Variables inside of a markdown page

The value of my_custom_var = 5.1

TABLES (See page source for examples)

First Header Second Header          
Content Cell - this is a really long data Content Cell data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data
Content Cell Content Cell          
First Header Second Header Third Header Fourth Header Fifth Header Sixth Header Seventh Header
Content Cell - this is a really long data Content Cell data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data
Content Cell Content Cell          
Left Justified Right Justified Center Justified Fourth Header Fifth Header Sixth Header Seventh Header
Content Cell - this is a really long title Content Cell data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data data
Content Cell Content Cell - this is a really long data Content Cell - this is a really long data        
Test Column 1 Row 1 Test Column 2 (Right Justified)
Test Column 1 Row 2 zzz

This is a header accessed via a reference link from above. Click Here to go there.

Include Files (See page source)

Include a file from the _includes Directory

We can pass a variable directly or by reference

Take out space between { and %
{ % include Inc_SupportSampleIncudeFile.md directvar="6.0" refvar=page.custom_var_sst_ver % }

This is the Sample Included file (see include file source)

Passed in variables are:

page.mydirectvar = 6.0

page.myrefvar = 5.1

GitHub Repository Meta Data

For More Information See:

This project is called: sstsimulator.github.io

Footnote definitions below

  1. This is the Footnote definition (note it will be placed on bottom of page)