►Nsprockit | |
Cserializable_ptr_type | |
►NSST | |
►NCore | |
►NEnvironment | |
CEnvironmentConfigGroup | |
CEnvironmentConfiguration | |
►NInterprocess | |
CCircularBuffer | |
CIPCTunnel | Tunneling class between two processes, connected by shared memory |
CSSTMutex | |
►NSerialization | |
►Npvt | |
Craw_ptr_wrapper | |
Cser_array_wrapper | |
Cser_buffer_accessor | |
Cser_buffer_overrun | |
Cser_packer | |
Cser_sizer | |
Cser_unpacker | |
Cneed_delete_statics | |
Cserializable | |
Cserializable_builder | |
Cserializable_builder_impl | |
Cserializable_factory | |
Cserializable_type | |
Cserialize | Base serialize class |
Cserialize< bool > | Version of serialize that works for bool |
Cserialize< pvt::raw_ptr_wrapper< TPtr > > | Version of serialize that works for copying raw pointers (only copying the value of the pointer |
Cserialize< pvt::ser_array_wrapper< T, IntType >, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | Version of serialize that works for dynamically allocated arrays of fundamental types and enums |
Cserialize< pvt::ser_array_wrapper< T, IntType >, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_fundamental< T >::value &&!std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | Version of serialize that works for dynamically allocated arrays of non base types |
Cserialize< pvt::ser_array_wrapper< void, IntType > > | Version of serialize that works for statically allocated arrays of void* |
Cserialize< serializable * > | |
Cserialize< SST::SparseVectorMap< keyT, classT > > | |
Cserialize< std::deque< T > > | |
Cserialize< std::list< T > > | |
Cserialize< std::map< Key, Value > > | |
Cserialize< std::pair< U, V > > | Version of serialize that works for std::pair |
Cserialize< std::set< T > > | |
Cserialize< std::string > | |
Cserialize< std::vector< T > > | |
Cserialize< T *, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SST::Core::Serialization::serializable, T >::value >::type > | |
Cserialize< T *, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | Version of serialize that works for pointers to fundamental types and enums |
Cserialize< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SST::Core::Serialization::serializable, T >::value >::type > | |
Cserialize< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | Version of serialize that works for fundamental types and enums |
Cserialize< T[N], typename std::enable_if< std::is_fundamental< T >::value||std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | Version of serialize that works for statically allocated arrays of fundamental types and enums |
Cserialize< T[N], typename std::enable_if<!std::is_fundamental< T >::value &&!std::is_enum< T >::value >::type > | Version of serialize that works for statically allocated arrays of non base types |
Cserializer | This class is basically a wrapper for objects to declare the order in which their members should be ser/des |
Cstatics | |
►NThreadSafe | |
CBarrier | |
CBoundedQueue | |
CSpinlock | |
CUnboundedQueue | |
CConfigGraphOutput | |
CConfigGraphOutputException | |
CDotConfigGraphOutput | |
CJSONConfigGraphOutput | |
CMemPool | Simple Memory Pool class |
CPythonConfigGraphOutput | |
CXMLConfigGraphOutput | |
►NInterfaces | |
►CSimpleMem | Simplified, generic interface to Memory models |
CHandler | Event Handler class with user-data argument |
CHandler< classT, void > | Event Handler class without user-data |
CHandlerBase | Functor classes for Clock handling |
CRequest | Represents both memory requests and responses |
►CSimpleNetwork | Generic network interface |
CHandler | Event Handler class with user-data argument |
CHandler< classT, void > | Event Handler class without user-data |
CHandlerBase | Functor classes for handling of callbacks |
CNetworkInspector | Class used to inspect network requests going through the network |
CRequest | Represents both network sends and receives |
CStringEvent | Simple event to pass strings between components |
CTestEvent | Test Event Useful for early-testing of components |
►NPartition | |
CSimplePartitioner | |
CSSTLinearPartition | Performs a linear partition scheme of an SST simulation configuration |
CSSTPartitioner | Base class for Partitioning graphs |
CSSTRoundRobinPartition | |
CSSTSelfPartition | Self partitioner actually does nothing |
CSSTSinglePartition | Single partitioner is a virtual partitioner used for serial jobs |
►NRNG | |
CMarsagliaRNG | Implements a random number generator using the Marsaglia method |
CMersenneRNG | Implements a Mersenne-based RNG for use in the SST core or components |
CSSTConstantDistribution | Implements a distribution which always returns a constant value (provided by the user) |
CSSTDiscreteDistribution | Creates a discrete distribution for use within SST |
CSSTExponentialDistribution | Creates an exponential distribution for use within SST |
CSSTGaussianDistribution | Creates a Gaussian (normal) distribution for which to sample |
CSSTPoissonDistribution | Creates an Poisson distribution for use within SST |
CSSTRandom | Implements the base class for random number generators for the SST core |
CSSTRandomDistribution | Base class of statistical distributions in SST |
CSSTUniformDistribution | Creates a Uniform distribution for use within SST |
CXORShiftRNG | Implements a lightweight RNG based on XOR-shift operations |
►NStatistics | |
CAccumulatorStatistic | Allows the online gathering of statistical information about a single quantity |
CHistogramStatistic | Holder of data grouped into pre-determined width bins. |
Cis_type_same | |
Cis_type_same< T, T > | |
CNullStatistic | An empty statistic place holder |
CStatistic | Forms the template defined base class for statistics gathering within SST. |
CStatisticBase | Forms the base class for statistics gathering within SST. |
CStatisticFieldInfo | The class for representing Statistic Output Fields |
CStatisticGroup | |
CStatisticInfo | |
CStatisticOutput | Forms the base class for statistics output generation within the SST core. |
CStatisticOutputConsole | The class for statistics output to the console. |
CStatisticOutputCSV | The class for statistics output to a comma separated file. |
CStatisticOutputHDF5 | The class for statistics output to a comma separated file. |
CStatisticOutputTxt | The class for statistics output to a text file. |
CStatisticProcessingEngine | An SST core component that handles timing and event processing informing all registered Statistics to generate their outputs at desired rates |
CUniqueCountStatistic | Creates a Statistic which counts unique values provided to it |
CAction | An Action is a schedulable Activity which is not an Event |
►CActivity | Base class for all Activities in the SST Event Queue |
Cless_time | Comparator class to use with STL container classes |
Cless_time_priority | Comparator class to use with STL container classes |
Cless_time_priority_order | To use with STL container classes |
Cpq_less_time_priority | To use with STL priority queues, that order in reverse |
Cpq_less_time_priority_order | To use with STL priority queues, that order in reverse |
CActivityQueue | Base Class for a queue of Activities |
CBaseComponent | Main component object for the simulation |
CBaseComponentElementInfo | |
CBaseElementInfo | |
CBaseParamsElementInfo | |
CChangeSet | |
Cchar_delimiter | |
CcheckForELI_CustomCreateFunctionforComponent | |
CcheckForELI_CustomCreateFunctionforSubComponent | |
CcheckForELI_getParamsFunction | |
CcheckForELI_getPortsFunction | |
CcheckForELI_getStatisticsFunction | |
CcheckForELI_getSubComponentSlotsFunction | |
►CClock | A Clock class |
CHandler | Event Handler class with user-data argument |
CHandler< classT, void > | Event Handler class without user-data |
CHandlerBase | Functor classes for Clock handling |
CComponent | Main component object for the simulation |
CComponentDoc | |
CComponentDocOldELI | |
CComponentElementInfo | |
►CComponentInfo | |
CEqualsID | |
CEqualsName | |
CHashID | |
CHashName | |
CComponentInfoMap | |
CConfig | Class to contain SST Simulation Configuration variables |
CConfigComponent | Represents the configuration of a generic component |
CConfigGraph | A Configuration Graph A graph representing Components and Links |
CConfigLink | Represents the configuration of a generic Link |
CConfigStatGroup | |
CConfigStatOutput | |
Cdecimal_fixedpoint | Class that implements a decimal fixed-point number |
CElementInfoComponent | Describes a Component and its associated information |
CElementInfoEvent | Describes an Event |
CElementInfoGenerator | Describes a Generator |
CElementInfoIntrospector | Describes an Introspector |
CElementInfoModule | Describes a Module |
CElementInfoParam | Describes Parameters to a Component |
CElementInfoPartitioner | Describes a Partitioner |
CElementInfoPort | Describes Ports that the Component can use |
CElementInfoPort2 | Describes Ports that the Component can use |
CElementInfoStatistic | Describes Statistics used by a Component |
CElementInfoSubComponent | |
CElementInfoSubComponentSlot | |
CElementLibraryDatabase | |
CElementLibraryInfo | Describes all the parts of the Element Library |
CElemLoader | Class to load Element Libraries |
CEmptyRankSync | |
CEmptyThreadSync | |
Cescaped_list_separator | |
►CEvent | Base class for Events - Items sent across links to communicate between components |
CHandler | Event Handler class with user-data argument |
CHandler< classT, void > | Event Handler class with no user-data |
CHandlerBase | Functor classes for Event handling |
CExit | Exit Event Action |
CFactory | Class for instantiating Components, Links and the like out of element libraries |
CInitQueue | ActivityQueue for use during the init() phase |
CLibraryInfo | |
CLink | Link between two components |
CLinkMap | Maps port names to the Links that are connected to it |
CLinkPair | Defines a pair of links (to define a connected link) |
CLoaderData | This structure exists so that we don't need to have any libtool-specific code (and therefore need the libtool headers) in factory.h |
CModule | Module is a tag class used with the loadModule function |
CModuleDoc | |
CModuleDocOldELI | |
CModuleDocWithComponent | |
CModuleDocWithoutComponent | |
CModuleElementInfo | |
CNewRankSync | |
CNewThreadSync | |
CNullEvent | Null Event |
►COneShot | A OneShot Event class |
CHandler | Event Handler class with user-data argument |
CHandler< classT, void > | Event Handler class without user-data |
CHandlerBase | Functor classes for OneShot handling |
COutput | Output object provides consistant method for outputing data to stdout, stderr and/or sst debug file |
CParams | Parameter store |
CPartitionComponent | |
CPartitionerDoc | |
CPartitionerDocOldELI | |
CPartitionerElementInfo | |
CPartitionGraph | |
CPartitionLink | |
CPollingLinkQueue | A link queue which is used for polling only |
CPythonModuleDoc | |
CPythonModuleDocOldELI | |
CPythonModuleElementInfo | |
CRankInfo | |
CRankSyncParallelSkip | |
CRankSyncSerialSkip | |
►CRegionInfo | |
CBulkMergeInfo | |
CChangeSetMergeInfo | |
CRegionMergeInfo | |
CSelfLink | Self Links are links from a component to itself |
CSharedRegion | |
CSharedRegionImpl | |
CSharedRegionInitializedMerger | |
CSharedRegionManager | |
CSharedRegionManagerImpl | |
CSharedRegionMerger | Utility class to define how to merge multiple pieces of shared memory regions Useful in the multi-MPI-rank, "Global Shared" model |
CSimulation | Main control class for a SST Simulation |
CSimulatorHeartbeat | An optional heartbeat to show progress in a simulation |
CSparseVectorMap | |
CSparseVectorMap< keyT, keyT > | |
CSST_ELI_element_version_extraction | |
CSSTElementPythonModule | Base class for python modules in element libraries |
CSSTElementPythonModuleOldELI | |
CSSTInfoConfig | The SSTInfo Configuration class |
CSSTInfoElement_BaseInfo | |
CSSTInfoElement_ComponentInfo | The SSTInfo representation of ElementInfoComponent object |
CSSTInfoElement_EventInfo | The SSTInfo representation of ElementInfoEvent object |
CSSTInfoElement_GeneratorInfo | The SSTInfo representation of ElementInfoGenerator object |
CSSTInfoElement_LibraryInfo | The SSTInfo representation of ElementLibraryInfo object |
CSSTInfoElement_ModuleInfo | The SSTInfo representation of ElementInfoModule object |
CSSTInfoElement_Outputter | |
CSSTInfoElement_ParamInfo | The SSTInfo representation of ElementInfoParam object |
CSSTInfoElement_PartitionerInfo | The SSTInfo representation of ElementInfoPartitioner object |
CSSTInfoElement_PortInfo | The SSTInfo representation of ElementInfoPort object |
CSSTInfoElement_StatisticInfo | The SSTInfo representation of ElementInfoPort object |
CSSTInfoElement_SubComponentInfo | The SSTInfo representation of ElementInfoSubComponent object |
CsstLongOpts_s | |
CSSTModelDescription | Base class for Model Generation |
CStopAction | Action which causes the Simulation to end |
CSubComponent | SubComponent is a class loadable through the factory which allows dynamic functionality to be added to a Component |
CSubComponentDoc | |
CSubComponentDocOldELI | |
CSubComponentElementInfo | |
CSubComponentSlotInfo | |
CSubComponentSlotInfo_impl | |
CSyncBase | SyncBase defines the API for Sync objects, which are used to synchronize between MPI ranks in a simulation |
CSyncManager | |
►CSyncQueue | Internal API |
CHeader | |
CThreadSync | |
CThreadSyncQueue | Base Class for a queue of Activities |
CThreadSyncSimpleSkip | |
CTimeConverter | A class to convert between a component's view of time and the core's view of time |
CTimeLord | Class for creating and managing TimeConverter objects |
CTimeVortex | Primary Event Queue |
CTokenizer | |
CTraceFunction | |
CUninitializedQueue | Always unitialized queue |
CUnitAlgebra | Performs Unit math in full precision |
CUnits | Helper class internal to UnitAlgebra |
CComponentHolder | |
CComponentPy_t | |
CLinkPy_t | |
Clt__advise | |
Clt__handle | |
Clt__interface_id | |
Clt_dlvtable | |
Clt_interface_data | |
CModuleLoaderPy_t | |
COverallOutputter | |
CPyComponent | |
CPySubComponent | |
CSimThreadInfo_t | |
Cslist | |
CStatGroupPy_t | |
CStatOutputPy_t | |
Csymlist_chain |