SST  14.1.0
1 // -*- mode: c++ -*-
2 // Copyright 2009-2024 NTESS. Under the terms
3 // of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the U.S.
4 // Government retains certain rights in this software.
5 //
6 // Copyright (c) 2009-2024, NTESS
7 // All rights reserved.
8 //
9 // This file is part of the SST software package. For license
10 // information, see the LICENSE file in the top level directory of the
11 // distribution.
12 //
17 #include "sst/core/params.h"
18 #include "sst/core/serialization/serializable.h"
19 #include "sst/core/sst_types.h"
20 #include "sst/core/ssthandler.h"
21 #include "sst/core/subcomponent.h"
22 #include "sst/core/warnmacros.h"
24 #include <string>
25 #include <unordered_map>
27 namespace SST {
29 class Component;
30 class Event;
31 class Link;
33 namespace Interfaces {
35 /**
36  * Generic network interface
37  */
39 {
40 public:
41  SST_ELI_REGISTER_SUBCOMPONENT_API(SST::Interfaces::SimpleNetwork,int)
43  /** All Addresses can be 64-bit */
44  typedef int64_t nid_t;
45 #define PRI_NID PRIi64
47  static const nid_t INIT_BROADCAST_ADDR;
49  /**
50  * Represents both network sends and receives
51  */
53  {
55  public:
56  nid_t dest; /*!< Node ID of destination */
57  nid_t src; /*!< Node ID of source */
58  int vn; /*!< Virtual network of packet */
59  size_t size_in_bits; /*!< Size of packet in bits */
60  bool head; /*!< True if this is the head of a stream */
61  bool tail; /*!< True if this is the tail of a steram */
62  bool allow_adaptive; /*!< Indicates whether adaptive routing is allowed or not. */
64  private:
65  Event* payload; /*!< Payload of the request */
67  public:
68  /**
69  Sets the payload field for this request
70  @param payload_in Event to set as payload.
71  */
72  inline void givePayload(Event* event) { payload = event; }
74  /**
75  Returns the payload for the request. This will also set
76  the payload to nullptr, so the call will only return valid
77  data one time after each givePayload call.
78  @return Event that was set as payload of the request.
79  */
80  inline Event* takePayload()
81  {
82  Event* ret = payload;
83  payload = nullptr;
84  return ret;
85  }
87  /**
88  Returns the payload for the request for inspection. This
89  call does not set the payload to nullptr, so deleting the
90  request will also delete the payload. If the request is
91  going to be deleted, use takePayload instead.
92  @return Event that was set as payload of the request.
93  */
94  inline Event* inspectPayload() { return payload; }
96  /**
97  * Trace types
98  */
99  typedef enum {
100  NONE, /*!< No tracing enabled */
101  ROUTE, /*!< Trace route information only */
102  FULL /*!< Trace all movements of packets through network */
103  } TraceType;
105  /** Constructor */
107  dest(0),
108  src(0),
109  size_in_bits(0),
110  head(false),
111  tail(false),
112  allow_adaptive(true),
113  payload(nullptr),
114  trace(NONE),
115  traceID(0)
116  {}
118  Request(nid_t dest, nid_t src, size_t size_in_bits, bool head, bool tail, Event* payload = nullptr) :
119  dest(dest),
120  src(src),
122  head(head),
123  tail(tail),
124  allow_adaptive(true),
125  payload(payload),
126  trace(NONE),
127  traceID(0)
128  {}
130  virtual ~Request()
131  {
132  if ( payload != nullptr ) delete payload;
133  }
135  inline Request* clone()
136  {
137  Request* req = new Request(*this);
138  // Copy constructor only makes a shallow copy, need to
139  // clone the event.
140  if ( payload != nullptr ) req->payload = payload->clone();
141  return req;
142  }
144  void setTraceID(int id) { traceID = id; }
145  void setTraceType(TraceType type) { trace = type; }
146  int getTraceID() { return traceID; }
147  TraceType getTraceType() { return trace; }
149  void serialize_order(SST::Core::Serialization::serializer& ser) override
150  {
151  ser& dest;
152  ser& src;
153  ser& vn;
154  ser& size_in_bits;
155  ser& head;
156  ser& tail;
157  ser& payload;
158  ser& trace;
159  ser& traceID;
160  ser& allow_adaptive;
161  }
163  protected:
164  TraceType trace;
165  int traceID;
167  private:
168  ImplementSerializable(SST::Interfaces::SimpleNetwork::Request)
169  };
170  /**
171  Class used to inspect network requests going through the network.
172  */
174  {
176  public:
177  SST_ELI_REGISTER_SUBCOMPONENT_API(SST::Interfaces::SimpleNetwork::NetworkInspector,std::string)
179  NetworkInspector(ComponentId_t id) : SubComponent(id) {}
181  virtual ~NetworkInspector() {}
183  virtual void inspectNetworkData(Request* req) = 0;
184  };
186  /**
187  Base handler for event delivery.
188  */
191  /**
192  Used to create handlers to notify the endpoint when the
193  SimpleNetwork sends or recieves a packet.. The callback
194  function is expected to be in the form of:
196  bool func(int vn)
198  In which case, the class is created with:
200  new SimpleNetwork::Handler<classname>(this, &classname::function_name)
202  Or, to add static data, the callback function is:
204  bool func(int vn, dataT data)
206  and the class is created with:
208  new SimpleNetwork::Handler<classname, dataT>(this, &classname::function_name, data)
210  In both cases, the boolean that's returned indicates whether
211  the handler should be kept in the list or not. On return
212  of true, the handler will be kept. On return of false, the
213  handler will be removed from the clock list.
214  */
215  template <typename classT, typename dataT = void>
219 public:
220  /** Constructor, designed to be used via 'loadUserSubComponent or loadAnonymousSubComponent'. */
221  SimpleNetwork(SST::ComponentId_t id) : SubComponent(id) {}
223  /**
224  * Sends a network request during untimed phases (init() and
225  * complete()).
226  * @see SST::Link::sendUntimedData()
227  */
228  virtual void sendUntimedData(Request* req) = 0;
230  /**
231  * Receive any data during untimed phases (init() and complete()).
232  * @see SST::Link::recvUntimedData()
233  */
234  virtual Request* recvUntimedData() = 0;
236  // /**
237  // * Returns a handle to the underlying SST::Link
238  // */
239  // virtual Link* getLink(void) const = 0;
241  /**
242  * Send a Request to the network.
243  */
244  virtual bool send(Request* req, int vn) = 0;
246  /**
247  * Receive a Request from the network.
248  *
249  * Use this method for polling-based applications.
250  * Register a handler for push-based notification of responses.
251  *
252  * @param vn Virtual network to receive on
253  * @return nullptr if nothing is available.
254  * @return Pointer to a Request response (that should be deleted)
255  */
256  virtual Request* recv(int vn) = 0;
258  virtual void setup() override {}
259  virtual void init(unsigned int UNUSED(phase)) override {}
260  virtual void complete(unsigned int UNUSED(phase)) override {}
261  virtual void finish() override {}
263  /**
264  * Checks if there is sufficient space to send on the specified
265  * virtual network
266  * @param vn Virtual network to check
267  * @param num_bits Minimum size in bits required to have space
268  * to send
269  * @return true if there is space in the output, false otherwise
270  */
271  virtual bool spaceToSend(int vn, int num_bits) = 0;
273  /**
274  * Checks if there is a waiting network request request pending in
275  * the specified virtual network.
276  * @param vn Virtual network to check
277  * @return true if a network request is pending in the specified
278  * virtual network, false otherwise
279  */
280  virtual bool requestToReceive(int vn) = 0;
282  /**
283  * Registers a functor which will fire when a new request is
284  * received from the network. Note, the actual request that
285  * was received is not passed into the functor, it is only a
286  * notification that something is available.
287  * @param functor Functor to call when request is received
288  */
289  virtual void setNotifyOnReceive(HandlerBase* functor) = 0;
290  /**
291  * Registers a functor which will fire when a request is
292  * sent to the network. Note, this only tells you when data
293  * is sent, it does not guarantee any specified amount of
294  * available space.
295  * @param functor Functor to call when request is sent
296  */
297  virtual void setNotifyOnSend(HandlerBase* functor) = 0;
299  /**
300  * Check to see if network is initialized. If network is not
301  * initialized, then no other functions other than init() can
302  * can be called on the interface.
303  * @return true if network is initialized, false otherwise
304  */
305  virtual bool isNetworkInitialized() const = 0;
307  /**
308  * Returns the endpoint ID. Cannot be called until after the
309  * network is initialized.
310  * @return Endpoint ID
311  */
312  virtual nid_t getEndpointID() const = 0;
314  /**
315  * Returns the final BW of the link managed by the simpleNetwork
316  * instance. Cannot be called until after the network is
317  * initialized.
318  * @return Link bandwidth of associated link
319  */
320  virtual const UnitAlgebra& getLinkBW() const = 0;
321 };
323 } // namespace Interfaces
324 } // namespace SST
virtual bool isNetworkInitialized() const =0
Check to see if network is initialized.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:101
nid_t src
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:57
This class is basically a wrapper for objects to declare the order in which their members should be s...
Definition: serializer.h:43
Handlers with 1 handler defined argument to callback from caller.
Definition: ssthandler.h:210
Event * inspectPayload()
Returns the payload for the request for inspection.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:94
bool allow_adaptive
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:62
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:102
void givePayload(Event *event)
Sets the payload field for this request.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:72
virtual Request * recv(int vn)=0
Receive a Request from the network.
Handler class with user-data argument.
Definition: ssthandler.h:284
bool tail
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:61
virtual void setup() override
Called after all components have been constructed and initialization has completed, but before simulation time has begun.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:258
virtual void setNotifyOnReceive(HandlerBase *functor)=0
Registers a functor which will fire when a new request is received from the network.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:106
nid_t dest
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:56
virtual nid_t getEndpointID() const =0
Returns the endpoint ID.
Definition: serializable.h:24
virtual void init(unsigned int UNUSED(phase)) override
Used during the init phase.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:259
SimpleNetwork(SST::ComponentId_t id)
Constructor, designed to be used via &#39;loadUserSubComponent or loadAnonymousSubComponent&#39;.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:221
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:100
Represents both network sends and receives.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:52
virtual void finish() override
Called after simulation completes, but before objects are destroyed.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:261
virtual bool send(Request *req, int vn)=0
Returns a handle to the underlying SST::Link.
virtual const UnitAlgebra & getLinkBW() const =0
Returns the final BW of the link managed by the simpleNetwork instance.
Trace types.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:99
virtual void sendUntimedData(Request *req)=0
Sends a network request during untimed phases (init() and complete()).
virtual Request * recvUntimedData()=0
Receive any data during untimed phases (init() and complete()).
SSTHandlerBase< bool, int > HandlerBase
Base handler for event delivery.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:189
bool head
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:60
virtual bool requestToReceive(int vn)=0
Checks if there is a waiting network request request pending in the specified virtual network...
virtual bool spaceToSend(int vn, int num_bits)=0
Checks if there is sufficient space to send on the specified virtual network.
size_t size_in_bits
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:59
Event * takePayload()
Returns the payload for the request.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:80
int64_t nid_t
All Addresses can be 64-bit.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:44
Generic network interface.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:38
Base class for Events - Items sent across links to communicate between components.
Definition: event.h:34
Performs Unit math in full precision.
Definition: unitAlgebra.h:106
virtual void setNotifyOnSend(HandlerBase *functor)=0
Registers a functor which will fire when a request is sent to the network.
Class used to inspect network requests going through the network.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:173
virtual void complete(unsigned int UNUSED(phase)) override
Used during the complete phase after the end of simulation.
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:260
SubComponent is a class loadable through the factory which allows dynamic functionality to be added t...
Definition: subcomponent.h:28
virtual Event * clone()
Clones the event in for the case of a broadcast.
int vn
Definition: simpleNetwork.h:58