SST 12.1.0
Structural Simulation Toolkit
1// -*- c++ -*-
3// Copyright 2009-2022 NTESS. Under the terms
4// of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the U.S.
5// Government retains certain rights in this software.
7// Copyright (c) 2009-2022, NTESS
8// All rights reserved.
10// This file is part of the SST software package. For license
11// information, see the LICENSE file in the top level directory of the
12// distribution.
17#include "sst/core/serialization/serializable.h"
18#include "sst/core/sst_types.h"
20#include <algorithm>
21#include <vector>
23namespace SST {
26 Class that stores data in a vector, but can access the data similar
27 to a map. The data structure is O(log n) on reads, but is O(n) to
28 insert. The primary use case is when data is inserted in order, but
29 accessed randomly. You can also create the SparseVectorMap with a
30 vector already loaded with the data. If the data is not already
31 sorted, it will call std::sort on the data, which likely has an
32 average complexity of O(n log n). This data structure should not
33 be used for large lists where inserts do not happen in sorted order.
35 NOTE: Since the data is stored in the vector, reference returned
36 from the various accessor functions will not be valid longterm. If
37 an insert causes the vector to be resized, all references returned
38 before that reallocation may (likely will) be invalid. References
39 are only guaranteed to be valid until the next write to the data
40 structure.
41 */
42template <typename keyT, typename classT = keyT>
46 friend class SST::Core::Serialization::serialize<SparseVectorMap<keyT, classT>>;
48 /**
49 Finds the insertion point for new data
51 @param id ID of the data that needs to be inserted.
53 @return Index where new data should be inserted. If key is
54 already in the map, it will return -1.
55 */
56 std::vector<classT> data;
57 int binary_search_insert(keyT id) const
58 {
59 // For insert, we've found the right place when id < n && id >
60 // n-1. We then insert at n.
62 int size = data.size();
64 // Check to see if it goes top or bottom
65 if ( size == 0 ) return 0;
66 if ( id > data[size - 1].key() ) return size;
67 if ( id < data[0].key() ) return 0;
69 int bottom = 0;
70 int top = size - 1;
71 int middle;
73 while ( bottom <= top ) {
74 middle = bottom + (top - bottom) / 2;
75 if ( id == data[middle].key() ) return -1; // Already in map
76 if ( id < data[middle].key() ) {
77 // May be the right place, need to see if id is greater
78 // than the one before the current middle. If so, then we
79 // have the right place.
80 if ( id > data[middle - 1].key() )
81 return middle;
82 else {
83 top = middle - 1;
84 }
85 }
86 else {
87 bottom = middle + 1;
88 }
89 }
90 /* Shouldn't be reached */
91 return -1;
92 }
94 /**
95 Finds the index where the data associated with the given key is
96 found in the vector
98 @param id ID of the data that needs to be found.
100 @return Index where data for the provided ID is found. It
101 returns -1 if the key is not found in the data vector.
102 */
103 int binary_search_find(keyT id) const
104 {
105 int bottom = 0;
106 int top = data.size() - 1;
107 int middle;
109 if ( data.size() == 0 ) return -1;
110 while ( bottom <= top ) {
111 middle = bottom + (top - bottom) / 2;
112 if ( id == data[middle].key() )
113 return middle;
114 else if ( id < data[middle].key() )
115 top = middle - 1;
116 else
117 bottom = middle + 1;
118 }
119 return -1;
120 }
122 friend class ConfigGraph;
125 /**
126 Default constructor for SparseVectorMap
127 */
130 /**
131 Constructor that allows you to pass an already filled in array
132 with data. The data in the passed in vector will be swapped
133 into the data vector of the sparsevectormap and the passed in
134 vector will be empty.
136 @param new_data Vector of data to swap into the sparsevectormap
137 data
139 @param sorted Specifies whether the vector is already sorted in
140 ascending order. if not, it will be sorted after swapping the
141 data in.
142 */
143 SparseVectorMap(std::vector<classT>& new_data, bool sorted = false)
144 {
145 data.swap(new_data);
146 if ( !sorted ) {
147 std::sort(data.begin(), data.end, [](const classT& lhs, const classT& rhs) -> bool {
148 return lhs.key() < rhs.key();
149 });
150 }
151 }
153 typedef typename std::vector<classT>::iterator iterator;
154 typedef typename std::vector<classT>::const_iterator const_iterator;
156 /**
157 Insert new value into SparseVectorMap. The inserted class must
158 have a key() function with return type keyT.
160 @param val value to add to SparseVectorMap
162 @return reference to the inserted item, or to the existing item
163 if it was already present in the map.
165 */
166 classT& insert(const classT& val)
167 {
168 int index = binary_search_insert(val.key());
169 if ( index == -1 ) return data[binary_search_find(val.key())]; // already in the map
170 iterator it = data.begin();
171 it += index;
172 data.insert(it, val);
173 return data[index];
174 }
176 /**
177 Returns the begin iterator to the underlying vector.
179 @return begin iterator to data vector
180 */
181 iterator begin() { return data.begin(); }
183 /**
184 Returns the end iterator to the underlying vector.
186 @return end iterator to data vector
187 */
188 iterator end() { return data.end(); }
190 /**
191 Returns the const begin iterator to the underlying vector.
193 @return const begin iterator to data vector
194 */
195 const_iterator begin() const { return data.begin(); }
197 /**
198 Returns the const end iterator to the underlying vector.
200 @return const end iterator to data vector
201 */
202 const_iterator end() const { return data.end(); }
204 /**
205 Checks if the provided id is found in the SparseVectorMap
207 @param id id to check for
209 @return true if id is found, false otherwise
210 */
211 bool contains(keyT id) const
212 {
213 if ( binary_search_find(id) == -1 ) return false;
214 return true;
215 }
217 /**
218 Operator returns a reference to data with the specified id.
219 Value can be modified. This will only return references to
220 existing values, you must use insert() for new values.
222 @param id id of the value to return (value returned by key())
224 @return reference to the requested item.
226 */
227 classT& operator[](keyT id)
228 {
229 int index = binary_search_find(id);
230 if ( index == -1 ) {
231 // Need to error out
232 }
233 return data[index];
234 }
236 /**
237 Operator returns a const reference to data with the specified
238 id. Value cannot be modified. This will only return
239 references to existing values, you must use insert() for new
240 values.
242 @param id id of the value to return (value returned by key())
244 @return const reference to the requested item.
246 */
247 const classT& operator[](keyT id) const
248 {
249 int index = binary_search_find(id);
250 if ( index == -1 ) {
251 // Need to error out
252 }
253 return data[index];
254 }
256 /**
257 Clears the contents of the SparseVectorMap
258 */
259 void clear() { data.clear(); }
261 /**
262 Returns the number of items in the SparseVectorMap
264 @return number of items
265 */
266 size_t size() { return data.size(); }
271 Exception that is thrown by SparseVectorMap::filter() if the
272 filtering object returns an object that returns a different value
273 from the key() function than what was passed into the filter.
274 */
275class bad_filtered_key_error : public std::runtime_error
278 bad_filtered_key_error(const std::string& what_arg) : runtime_error(what_arg) {}
283 Class that stores data in a vector, but can access the data similar
284 to a map. The data structure is O(log n) on reads, but is O(n) to
285 insert. The primary use case is when data is inserted in order, but
286 accessed randomly. You can also create the SparseVectorMap with a
287 vector already loaded with the data. If the data is not already
288 sorted, it will call std::sort on the data, which likely has an
289 average complexity of O(n log n). This data structure should not
290 be used for large lists where inserts do not happen in sorted order.
292 NOTE: Since the data is stored in the vector, reference returned
293 from the various accessor functions will not be valid longterm. If
294 an insert causes the vector to be resized, all references returned
295 before that reallocation may (likely will) be invalid. References
296 are only guaranteed to be valid until the next write to the data
297 structure.
298 */
299template <typename keyT, typename classT>
300class SparseVectorMap<keyT, classT*>
303 friend class SST::Core::Serialization::serialize<SparseVectorMap<keyT, classT*>>;
305 /**
306 Finds the insertion point for new data
308 @param id ID of the data that needs to be inserted.
310 @return Index where new data should be inserted. If key is
311 already in the map, it will return -1.
312 */
313 std::vector<classT*> data;
314 int binary_search_insert(keyT id) const
315 {
316 // For insert, we've found the right place when id < n && id >
317 // n-1. We then insert at n.
319 int size = data.size();
321 // Check to see if it goes top or bottom
322 if ( size == 0 ) return 0;
323 if ( id > data[size - 1]->key() ) return size;
324 if ( id < data[0]->key() ) return 0;
326 int bottom = 0;
327 int top = size - 1;
328 int middle;
330 while ( bottom <= top ) {
331 middle = bottom + (top - bottom) / 2;
332 if ( id == data[middle]->key() ) return -1; // Already in map
333 if ( id < data[middle]->key() ) {
334 // May be the right place, need to see if id is greater
335 // than the one before the current middle. If so, then we
336 // have the right place.
337 if ( id > data[middle - 1]->key() )
338 return middle;
339 else {
340 top = middle - 1;
341 }
342 }
343 else {
344 bottom = middle + 1;
345 }
346 }
347 /* Shouldn't be reached */
348 return -1;
349 }
351 /**
352 Finds the index where the data associated with the given key is
353 found in the vector
355 @param id ID of the data that needs to be found.
357 @return Index where data for the provided ID is found. It
358 returns -1 if the key is not found in the data vector.
359 */
360 int binary_search_find(keyT id) const
361 {
362 int bottom = 0;
363 int top = data.size() - 1;
364 int middle;
366 if ( data.size() == 0 ) return -1;
367 while ( bottom <= top ) {
368 middle = bottom + (top - bottom) / 2;
369 if ( id == data[middle]->key() )
370 return middle;
371 else if ( id < data[middle]->key() )
372 top = middle - 1;
373 else
374 bottom = middle + 1;
375 }
376 return -1;
377 }
379 friend class ConfigGraph;
382 /**
383 Default constructor for SparseVectorMap
384 */
387 /**
388 Constructor that allows you to pass an already filled in array
389 with data. The data in the passed in vector will be swapped
390 into the data vector of the sparsevectormap and the passed in
391 vector will be empty.
393 @param new_data Vector of data to swap into the sparsevectormap
394 data
396 @param sorted Specifies whether the vector is already sorted in
397 ascending order. if not, it will be sorted after swapping the
398 data in.
399 */
400 SparseVectorMap(std::vector<classT*>& new_data, bool sorted = false)
401 {
402 data.swap(new_data);
403 if ( !sorted ) {
404 std::sort(data.begin(), data.end, [](const classT* lhs, const classT* rhs) -> bool {
405 return lhs->key() < rhs->key();
406 });
407 }
408 }
410 typedef typename std::vector<classT*>::iterator iterator;
411 typedef typename std::vector<classT*>::const_iterator const_iterator;
413 /**
414 Insert new value into SparseVectorMap. The inserted class must
415 have a key() function with return type keyT.
417 @param val value to add to SparseVectorMap
419 @return reference to the inserted item, or to the existing item
420 if it was already present in the map.
422 */
423 classT* insert(classT* val)
424 {
425 int index = binary_search_insert(val->key());
426 if ( index == -1 ) return data[binary_search_find(val->key())]; // already in the map
427 iterator it = data.begin();
428 it += index;
429 data.insert(it, val);
430 return data[index];
431 }
433 /**
434 Returns the begin iterator to the underlying vector.
436 @return begin iterator to data vector
437 */
438 iterator begin() { return data.begin(); }
440 /**
441 Returns the end iterator to the underlying vector.
443 @return end iterator to data vector
444 */
445 iterator end() { return data.end(); }
447 /**
448 Returns the const begin iterator to the underlying vector.
450 @return const begin iterator to data vector
451 */
452 const_iterator begin() const { return data.begin(); }
454 /**
455 Returns the const end iterator to the underlying vector.
457 @return const end iterator to data vector
458 */
459 const_iterator end() const { return data.end(); }
461 /**
462 Checks if the provided id is found in the SparseVectorMap
464 @param id id to check for
466 @return true if id is found, false otherwise
467 */
468 bool contains(keyT id) const
469 {
470 if ( binary_search_find(id) == -1 ) return false;
471 return true;
472 }
474 /**
475 Operator returns a reference to data with the specified id.
476 Value can be modified. This will only return references to
477 existing values, you must use insert() for new values.
479 @param id id of the value to return (value returned by key())
481 @return reference to the requested item.
483 */
484 classT* operator[](keyT id)
485 {
486 int index = binary_search_find(id);
487 if ( index == -1 ) {
488 // Need to error out
489 }
490 return data[index];
491 }
493 /**
494 Operator returns a const reference to data with the specified
495 id. Value cannot be modified. This will only return
496 references to existing values, you must use insert() for new
497 values.
499 @param id id of the value to return (value returned by key())
501 @return const reference to the requested item.
503 */
504 const classT* operator[](keyT id) const
505 {
506 int index = binary_search_find(id);
507 if ( index == -1 ) {
508 // Need to error out
509 }
510 return data[index];
511 }
513 /**
514 Clears the contents of the SparseVectorMap
515 */
516 void clear() { data.clear(); }
518 /**
519 Returns the number of items in the SparseVectorMap
521 @return number of items
522 */
523 size_t size() { return data.size(); }
526 /**
527 Function to filter the contents of the SparseVectorMap. Takes
528 an object with an overloaded operator() function that takes as
529 argument the current item. The funtion returns the object that
530 should take the place of this object (value returned by key()
531 function must be same for both objects), or returns nullptr if
532 the object should be deleted. When an item is deleted, the
533 size of the map reduces by 1.
535 @param filt Filter object to use for filtering contents of map
537 @exception bad_filtered_key_error filter returned an object that
538 didn't return the same value on a call to key() as the original
539 object in the map.
540 */
541 template <typename filterT>
542 void filter(filterT& filt)
543 {
544 int write_ptr = 0;
545 for ( size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i ) {
546 auto key = data[i]->key();
547 data[write_ptr] = filt(data[i]);
548 if ( data[write_ptr] != nullptr ) {
549 // Make sure the keys match
550 if ( UNLIKELY(data[write_ptr]->key() != key) ) {
551 // No recovering from this, just need to error out
553 "ERROR: Filter object passed to SparseVectorMap::filter returned an object that had a "
554 "different value of key() than what was passed into the filter. The filter object must return "
555 "either an object with the same value of key(), or nullptr if the object should be removed.");
556 }
557 write_ptr++;
558 }
559 }
560 // Need to shorten vector if items were removed. The
561 // write_ptr will be at the index with the first nullptr from
562 // the filter, and tells us where to cut things off. So,
563 // simply call resize() on the vector with write_ptr as the
564 // new size.
565 data.resize(write_ptr);
566 data.shrink_to_fit();
567 }
571 Templated version of SparseVectorMap where the data and key are the
572 same (actually more like a set than a map in this case). The type
573 must implement the less than operator. This is primarily intended
574 for use with native types.
575 */
576template <typename keyT>
577class SparseVectorMap<keyT, keyT>
582 /**
583 Finds the insertion point for new data
585 @param id ID of the data that needs to be inserted.
587 @return Index where new data should be inserted. If key is
588 already in the map, it will return -1.
589 */
590 std::vector<keyT> data;
591 int binary_search_insert(keyT id) const
592 {
593 // For insert, we've found the right place when id < n && id >
594 // n-1. We then insert at n.
596 int size = data.size();
598 // Check to see if it goes top or bottom
599 if ( size == 0 ) return 0;
600 if ( id < data[0] ) return 0;
601 if ( id > data[size - 1] ) return size;
603 int bottom = 0;
604 int top = size - 1;
605 int middle;
607 while ( bottom <= top ) {
608 middle = bottom + (top - bottom) / 2;
609 if ( id == data[middle] ) return -1; // Already in map
610 if ( id < data[middle] ) {
611 // May be the right place, need to see if id is greater
612 // than the one before the current middle. If so, then we
613 // have the right place.
614 if ( id > data[middle - 1] )
615 return middle;
616 else {
617 top = middle - 1;
618 }
619 }
620 else {
621 bottom = middle + 1;
622 }
623 }
624 /* Shouldn't be reached */
625 return -1;
626 }
628 /**
629 Finds the index where the data associated with the given key is
630 found in the vector
632 @param id ID of the data that needs to be found.
634 @return Index where data for the provided ID is found. It
635 returns -1 if the key is not found in the data vector.
636 */
637 int binary_search_find(keyT id) const
638 {
639 int bottom = 0;
640 int top = data.size() - 1;
641 int middle;
643 if ( data.size() == 0 ) return -1;
644 while ( bottom <= top ) {
645 middle = bottom + (top - bottom) / 2;
646 if ( id == data[middle] )
647 return middle;
648 else if ( id < data[middle] )
649 top = middle - 1;
650 else
651 bottom = middle + 1;
652 }
653 return -1;
654 }
656 friend class ConfigGraph;
659 /**
660 Default constructor for SparseVectorMap
661 */
664 /**
665 Constructor that allows you to pass an already filled in array
666 with data. The data in the passed in vector will be swapped
667 into the data vector of the SparseVectorMap and the passed in
668 vector will be empty.
670 @param new_data Vector of data to swap into the SparseVectorMap
671 data
673 @param sorted Specifies whether the vector is already sorted in
674 ascending order. If not, it will be sorted after swapping the
675 data in.
676 */
677 SparseVectorMap(std::vector<keyT>& new_data, bool sorted = false)
678 {
679 data.swap(new_data);
680 if ( !sorted ) {
681 std::sort(data.begin(), data.end, [](const keyT& lhs, const keyT& rhs) -> bool { return lhs < rhs; });
682 }
683 }
685 typedef typename std::vector<keyT>::iterator iterator;
686 typedef typename std::vector<keyT>::const_iterator const_iterator;
688 /**
689 Insert new value into SparseVectorMap. The inserted class must
690 have a key() function with return type keyT.
692 @param val value to add to SparseVectorMap
694 @return reference to the inserted item, or to the existing item
695 if it was already present in the map.
697 */
698 keyT& insert(const keyT& val)
699 {
700 int index = binary_search_insert(val);
701 if ( index == -1 ) return data[binary_search_find(val)]; // already in the map
702 iterator it = data.begin();
703 it += index;
704 data.insert(it, val);
705 return data[index];
706 }
708 /**
709 Returns the begin iterator to the underlying vector.
711 @return begin iterator to data vector
712 */
713 iterator begin() { return data.begin(); }
715 /**
716 Returns the end iterator to the underlying vector.
718 @return end iterator to data vector
719 */
720 iterator end() { return data.end(); }
722 /**
723 Returns the const begin iterator to the underlying vector.
725 @return const begin iterator to data vector
726 */
727 const_iterator begin() const { return data.begin(); }
729 /**
730 Returns the const end iterator to the underlying vector.
732 @return const end iterator to data vector
733 */
734 const_iterator end() const { return data.end(); }
736 /**
737 Checks if the provided id is found in the SparseVectorMap
739 @param id id to check for
741 @return true if id is found, false otherwise
742 */
743 bool contains(keyT id)
744 {
745 if ( binary_search_find(id) == -1 ) return false;
746 return true;
747 }
749 /**
750 Operator returns a reference to data with the specified id.
751 Value can be modified. This will only return references to
752 existing values, you must use insert() for new values.
754 @param id id of the value to return (value returned by key())
756 @return reference to the requested item.
758 */
759 keyT& operator[](keyT id)
760 {
761 int index = binary_search_find(id);
762 if ( index == -1 ) {
763 // Need to error out
764 }
765 return data[index];
766 }
768 /**
769 Operator returns a const reference to data with the specified
770 id. Value cannot be modified. This will only return
771 references to existing values, you must use insert() for new
772 values.
774 @param id id of the value to return (value returned by key())
776 @return const reference to the requested item.
778 */
779 const keyT& operator[](keyT id) const
780 {
781 int index = binary_search_find(id);
782 if ( index == -1 ) {
783 // Need to error out
784 }
785 return data[index];
786 }
788 /**
789 Clears the contents of the SparseVectorMap
790 */
791 void clear() { data.clear(); }
793 /**
794 Returns the number of items in the SparseVectorMap
796 @return number of items
797 */
798 size_t size() { return data.size(); }
801} // namespace SST
803namespace SST {
804namespace Core {
805namespace Serialization {
807template <typename keyT, typename classT>
808class serialize<SST::SparseVectorMap<keyT, classT>>
811 void operator()(SST::SparseVectorMap<keyT, classT>& v, SST::Core::Serialization::serializer& ser) { ser&; }
813} // namespace Serialization
814} // namespace Core
815} // namespace SST
A Configuration Graph A graph representing Components and Links.
Definition: configGraph.h:390
Base serialize class.
Definition: serialize.h:32
This class is basically a wrapper for objects to declare the order in which their members should be s...
Definition: serializer.h:35
size_t size()
Returns the number of items in the SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:523
const classT * operator[](keyT id) const
Operator returns a const reference to data with the specified id.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:504
iterator end()
Returns the end iterator to the underlying vector.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:445
iterator begin()
Returns the begin iterator to the underlying vector.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:438
void filter(filterT &filt)
Function to filter the contents of the SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:542
SparseVectorMap(std::vector< classT * > &new_data, bool sorted=false)
Constructor that allows you to pass an already filled in array with data.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:400
bool contains(keyT id) const
Checks if the provided id is found in the SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:468
void clear()
Clears the contents of the SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:516
const_iterator begin() const
Returns the const begin iterator to the underlying vector.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:452
classT * insert(classT *val)
Insert new value into SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:423
Default constructor for SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:385
const_iterator end() const
Returns the const end iterator to the underlying vector.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:459
classT * operator[](keyT id)
Operator returns a reference to data with the specified id.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:484
const_iterator begin() const
Returns the const begin iterator to the underlying vector.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:727
size_t size()
Returns the number of items in the SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:798
keyT & operator[](keyT id)
Operator returns a reference to data with the specified id.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:759
void clear()
Clears the contents of the SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:791
const_iterator end() const
Returns the const end iterator to the underlying vector.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:734
iterator end()
Returns the end iterator to the underlying vector.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:720
keyT & insert(const keyT &val)
Insert new value into SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:698
const keyT & operator[](keyT id) const
Operator returns a const reference to data with the specified id.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:779
iterator begin()
Returns the begin iterator to the underlying vector.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:713
SparseVectorMap(std::vector< keyT > &new_data, bool sorted=false)
Constructor that allows you to pass an already filled in array with data.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:677
Default constructor for SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:662
bool contains(keyT id)
Checks if the provided id is found in the SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:743
Class that stores data in a vector, but can access the data similar to a map.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:44
const_iterator begin() const
Returns the const begin iterator to the underlying vector.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:195
const_iterator end() const
Returns the const end iterator to the underlying vector.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:202
classT & operator[](keyT id)
Operator returns a reference to data with the specified id.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:227
Default constructor for SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:128
iterator end()
Returns the end iterator to the underlying vector.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:188
iterator begin()
Returns the begin iterator to the underlying vector.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:181
bool contains(keyT id) const
Checks if the provided id is found in the SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:211
void clear()
Clears the contents of the SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:259
classT & insert(const classT &val)
Insert new value into SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:166
SparseVectorMap(std::vector< classT > &new_data, bool sorted=false)
Constructor that allows you to pass an already filled in array with data.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:143
size_t size()
Returns the number of items in the SparseVectorMap.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:266
const classT & operator[](keyT id) const
Operator returns a const reference to data with the specified id.
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:247
Exception that is thrown by SparseVectorMap::filter() if the filtering object returns an object that ...
Definition: sparseVectorMap.h:276