SST 12.1.0
Structural Simulation Toolkit
1// Copyright 2009-2022 NTESS. Under the terms
2// of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the U.S.
3// Government retains certain rights in this software.
5// Copyright (c) 2009-2022, NTESS
6// All rights reserved.
8// This file is part of the SST software package. For license
9// information, see the LICENSE file in the top level directory of the
10// distribution.
15#include "sst/core/shared/sharedObject.h"
16#include "sst/core/sst_types.h"
18#include <vector>
20namespace SST {
21namespace Shared {
24 SharedArray class. The class is templated to allow for an array
25 of any non-pointer type. The type must be serializable.
26 */
27template <typename T>
30 static_assert(!std::is_pointer<T>::value, "Cannot use a pointer type with SharedArray");
32 // Forward declaration. Defined below
33 class Data;
36 /**
37 Default constructor for SharedArray.
38 */
39 SharedArray() : SharedObject(), published(false), data(nullptr) {}
41 /**
42 Shared Array Destructor
43 */
45 {
46 // data does not need to be deleted since the
47 // SharedObjectManager owns the pointer
48 }
50 /**
51 Initialize the SharedArray.
53 @param obj_name Name of the object. This name is how the
54 object is uniquely identified across ranks.
56 @param length Length of the array. The length can be 0 if no
57 data is going to be written by the calling element, otherwise,
58 it must be large enough to write the desired data. The final
59 length of the array will be the maximum of the requested
60 lengths. The length of the array can be queried using the
61 size() method.
63 @param init_value value that entries should be initialized to.
64 By default, each array item will be initialized using the
65 default constructor for the class being stored.
67 @param verify_mode Specifies how multiply written data should
68 be verified. FE_VERIFY uses a full/empty bit for each entry
69 and if a value has previously been written, it will make sure
70 the two values match. INIT_VERIFY will simply compare writes
71 against the current value and will error unless the values
72 aren't the same or the existing value is the init_value. When
73 NO_VERIFY is passed, no verification will occur. This is
74 mostly useful when you can guarantee that multiple elements
75 won't write the same value and you want to do in-place
76 modifications as you initialize. VERIFY_UNINITIALIZED is a
77 reserved value and should not be passed.
79 @return returns the number of instances that have intialized
80 themselve before this instance on this MPI rank.
81 */
82 int initialize(const std::string& obj_name, size_t length = 0, T init_value = T(), verify_type v_type = INIT_VERIFY)
83 {
84 if ( data ) {
85 Private::getSimulationOutput().fatal(
86 CALL_INFO, 1, "ERROR: called initialize() of SharedArray %s more than once\n", obj_name.c_str());
87 }
89 if ( v_type == VERIFY_UNINITIALIZED ) {
90 Private::getSimulationOutput().fatal(
91 CALL_INFO, 1,
92 "ERROR: VERIFY_UNINITIALIZED passed into instance of SharedArray %s. "
93 "This is a reserved value and cannot be passed in here. \n",
94 obj_name.c_str());
95 }
97 data = manager.getSharedObjectData<Data>(obj_name);
98 int ret = incShareCount(data);
99 if ( length != 0 ) data->setSize(length, init_value, v_type);
100 return ret;
101 }
103 /*** Typedefs and functions to mimic parts of the vector API ***/
105 typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator const_iterator;
106 typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
108 /**
109 Get the length of the array.
111 @return length of the array
112 */
113 inline size_t size() const { return data->getSize(); }
115 /**
116 Tests if array is empty.
118 @return true if array is empty (size = 0), false otherwise
119 */
120 inline bool empty() const { return data->array.empty(); }
122 /**
123 Get const_iterator to beginning of underlying map
124 */
125 const_iterator begin() const { return data->array.cbegin(); }
127 /**
128 Get const_iterator to end of underlying map
129 */
130 const_iterator end() const { return data->array.cend(); }
132 /**
133 Get const_reverse_iterator to beginning of underlying map
134 */
135 const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return data->array.crbegin(); }
137 /**
138 Get const_reverse_iterator to end of underlying map
139 */
140 const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return data->array.crend(); }
142 /**
143 Indicate that the calling element has written all the data it
144 plans to write. Writing to the array through this instance
145 after publish() is called will create an error.
146 */
147 void publish()
148 {
149 if ( published ) return;
150 published = true;
151 incPublishCount(data);
152 }
154 /**
155 Check whether all instances of this SharedArray have called
156 publish(). NOTE: Is is possible that this could return true
157 one round, but false the next if a new instance of the
158 SharedArray was initialized but not published after the last
159 call.
160 */
161 bool isFullyPublished() { return data->isFullyPublished(); }
163 /**
164 Write data to the array. This function is thread-safe, as a
165 mutex is used to ensure only one write at a time.
167 @param index index of the write
169 @param value value to be written
170 */
171 inline void write(int index, const T& value)
172 {
173 if ( published ) {
174 Private::getSimulationOutput().fatal(
175 CALL_INFO, 1, "ERROR: write to SharedArray %s after publish() was called\n", data->getName().c_str());
176 }
177 return data->write(index, value);
178 }
180 /**
181 Read data from the array. This returns a const reference, so
182 is read only.
184 NOTE: This function does not use a mutex, so it is possible to
185 get invalid results if another thread caused a resize of the
186 underlying data structure at the same time as the read.
187 However, after the init() phase of simulation is complete (in
188 setup() and beyond), this is always a safe operation. If
189 reading during init() and you can't guarantee that all elements
190 have already written all data to the SharedArray, use
191 mutex_read() to guarantee thread safety.
193 @param index index to read
195 @return const reference to data at index
196 */
197 inline const T& operator[](int index) const { return data->read(index); }
199 /**
200 Read data from the array. This returns a const reference, so
201 is read only. This version of read is always thread safe (@see
202 operator[]).
204 @param index index to read
206 @return const reference to data at index
207 */
208 inline const T& mutex_read(int index) const { return data->mutex_read(index); }
211 bool published;
212 Data* data;
214 class Data : public SharedObjectData
215 {
217 // Forward declaration. Defined below
218 class ChangeSet;
220 public:
221 std::vector<T> array;
222 std::vector<bool> written;
223 ChangeSet* change_set;
224 T init;
225 verify_type verify;
227 Data(const std::string& name) : SharedObjectData(name), change_set(nullptr), verify(VERIFY_UNINITIALIZED)
228 {
229 if ( Private::getSimulation()->getNumRanks().rank > 1 ) { change_set = new ChangeSet(name); }
230 }
232 ~Data() { delete change_set; }
234 /**
235 Set the size of the array. An element can only write up to the
236 current size (reading or writing beyond the size will create
237 undefined behavior). However, an element can put in the size
238 it needs for it's writes and it will end up being the largest
239 size requested. We use a vector underneatch the covers to
240 manage the memory/copying of data.
241 */
242 void setSize(size_t size, const T& init_data, verify_type v_type)
243 {
244 // If the data is uninitialized, then there is nothing to do
245 if ( v_type == VERIFY_UNINITIALIZED ) return;
246 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
247 if ( size > array.size() ) {
248 // Need to resize the vector
249 array.resize(size, init_data);
250 if ( v_type == FE_VERIFY ) { written.resize(size); }
251 if ( change_set ) change_set->setSize(size, init_data, v_type);
252 }
253 // init and verify must match across all intances. We can
254 // tell that they have been when verify is not
256 if ( verify != VERIFY_UNINITIALIZED ) {
257 if ( init != init_data ) {
258 Private::getSimulationOutput().fatal(
259 CALL_INFO, 1, "ERROR: Two different init_data values passed into SharedArray %s\n",
260 name.c_str());
261 }
263 if ( verify != v_type ) {
264 Private::getSimulationOutput().fatal(
265 CALL_INFO, 1, "ERROR: Two different verify types passed into SharedArray %s\n", name.c_str());
266 }
267 }
268 init = init_data;
269 verify = v_type;
270 }
272 size_t getSize()
273 {
274 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
275 return array.size();
276 }
278 void update_write(int index, const T& data)
279 {
280 // Don't need to mutex because this is only ever called
281 // from one thread at a time, with barrier before and
282 // after, or from write(), which does mutex.
283 bool check = false;
284 switch ( verify ) {
285 case FE_VERIFY:
286 check = written[index];
287 break;
288 case INIT_VERIFY:
289 check = array[index] != init;
290 break;
291 default:
292 break;
293 }
294 if ( check && (array[index] != data) ) {
295 Private::getSimulationOutput().fatal(
296 CALL_INFO, 1, "ERROR: wrote two different values to index %d of SharedArray %s\n", index,
297 name.c_str());
298 }
299 array[index] = data;
300 if ( verify == FE_VERIFY ) written[index] = true;
301 }
303 void write(int index, const T& data)
304 {
305 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
306 check_lock_for_write("SharedArray");
307 update_write(index, data);
308 if ( verify == FE_VERIFY ) written[index] = true;
309 if ( change_set ) change_set->addChange(index, data);
310 }
312 // Inline the read since it may be called often during run().
313 // This read is not protected from data races in the case where
314 // the array may be resized by another thread. If there is a
315 // danger of the array being resized during init, use the
316 // mutex_read function until after the init phase.
317 inline const T& read(int index) const { return array[index]; }
319 // Mutexed read for use if you are resizing the array as you go
320 inline const T& mutex_read(int index) const
321 {
322 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
323 auto ret = array[index];
324 return ret;
325 }
327 // Functions inherited from SharedObjectData
328 virtual SharedObjectChangeSet* getChangeSet() override { return change_set; }
329 virtual void resetChangeSet() override { change_set->clear(); }
331 private:
332 class ChangeSet : public SharedObjectChangeSet
333 {
335 std::vector<std::pair<int, T>> changes;
336 size_t size;
337 T init;
338 verify_type verify;
340 void serialize_order(SST::Core::Serialization::serializer& ser) override
341 {
342 SharedObjectChangeSet::serialize_order(ser);
343 ser& changes;
344 ser& size;
345 ser& init;
346 ser& verify;
347 }
351 public:
352 // For serialization
353 ChangeSet() : SharedObjectChangeSet() {}
354 ChangeSet(const std::string& name) : SharedObjectChangeSet(name), size(0), verify(VERIFY_UNINITIALIZED) {}
356 void addChange(int index, const T& value) { changes.emplace_back(index, value); }
358 void setSize(size_t length, const T& init_data, verify_type v_type)
359 {
360 size = length;
361 init = init_data;
362 verify = v_type;
363 }
364 size_t getSize() { return size; }
366 void applyChanges(SharedObjectDataManager* manager) override
367 {
368 auto data = manager->getSharedObjectData<Data>(getName());
369 data->setSize(size, init, verify);
370 for ( auto x : changes ) {
371 data->update_write(x.first, x.second);
372 }
373 }
375 void clear() override { changes.clear(); }
376 };
377 };
381 SharedArray class. The class is templated to allow for an array
382 of any non-pointer type. The type must be serializable.
383 */
384template <>
385class SharedArray<bool> : public SharedObject
387 // Forward declaration. Defined below
388 class Data;
391 /**
392 Default constructor for SharedArray.
393 */
394 SharedArray() : SharedObject(), published(false), data(nullptr) {}
396 /**
397 Shared Array Destructor
398 */
400 {
401 // data does not need to be deleted since the
402 // SharedObjectManager owns the pointer
403 }
405 /**
406 Initialize the SharedArray.
408 @param obj_name Name of the object. This name is how the
409 object is uniquely identified across ranks.
411 @param length Length of the array. The length can be 0 if no
412 data is going to be written by the calling element, otherwise,
413 it must be large enough to write the desired data. The final
414 length of the array will be the maximum of the requested
415 lengths. The length of the array can be queried using the
416 size() method.
418 @param init_value value that entries should be initialized to.
419 By default, each array item will be initialized using the
420 default constructor for the class being stored.
422 @param verify_mode Specifies how multiply written data should
423 be verified. FE_VERIFY uses a full/empty bit for each entry
424 and if a value has previously been written, it will make sure
425 the two values match. INIT_VERIFY will simply compare writes
426 against the current value and will error unless the values
427 aren't the same or the existing value is the init_value. When
428 NO_VERIFY is passed, no verification will occur. This is
429 mostly useful when you can guarantee that multiple elements
430 won't write the same value and you want to do in-place
431 modifications as you initialize. VERIFY_UNINITIALIZED is a
432 reserved value and should not be passed.
434 @return returns the number of instances that have intialized
435 themselve before this instance on this MPI rank.
436 */
438 const std::string& obj_name, size_t length = 0, bool init_value = false, verify_type v_type = INIT_VERIFY)
439 {
440 if ( data ) {
441 Private::getSimulationOutput().fatal(
442 CALL_INFO, 1, "ERROR: called initialize() of SharedArray %s more than once\n", obj_name.c_str());
443 }
445 if ( v_type == VERIFY_UNINITIALIZED ) {
446 Private::getSimulationOutput().fatal(
447 CALL_INFO, 1,
448 "ERROR: VERIFY_UNINITIALIZED passed into instance of SharedArray %s. "
449 "This is a reserved value and cannot be passed in here. \n",
450 obj_name.c_str());
451 }
453 data = manager.getSharedObjectData<Data>(obj_name);
454 int ret = incShareCount(data);
455 if ( length != 0 ) data->setSize(length, init_value, v_type);
456 return ret;
457 }
459 /*** Typedefs and functions to mimic parts of the vector API ***/
461 typedef typename std::vector<bool>::const_iterator const_iterator;
462 typedef typename std::vector<bool>::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
464 /**
465 Get the length of the array.
467 @return length of the array
468 */
469 inline size_t size() const { return data->getSize(); }
471 /**
472 Tests if array is empty.
474 @return true if array is empty (size = 0), false otherwise
475 */
476 inline bool empty() const { return data->array.empty(); }
478 /**
479 Get const_iterator to beginning of underlying map
480 */
481 const_iterator begin() const { return data->array.cbegin(); }
483 /**
484 Get const_iterator to end of underlying map
485 */
486 const_iterator end() const { return data->array.cend(); }
488 /**
489 Get const_reverse_iterator to beginning of underlying map
490 */
491 const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return data->array.crbegin(); }
493 /**
494 Get const_reverse_iterator to end of underlying map
495 */
496 const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return data->array.crend(); }
498 /**
499 Indicate that the calling element has written all the data it
500 plans to write. Writing to the array through this instance
501 after publish() is called will create an error.
502 */
503 void publish()
504 {
505 if ( published ) return;
506 published = true;
507 incPublishCount(data);
508 }
510 /**
511 Check whether all instances of this SharedArray have called
512 publish(). NOTE: Is is possible that this could return true
513 one round, but false the next if a new instance of the
514 SharedArray was initialized but not published after the last
515 call.
516 */
517 bool isFullyPublished() { return data->isFullyPublished(); }
519 /**
520 Write data to the array. This function is thread-safe, as a
521 mutex is used to ensure only one write at a time.
523 @param index index of the write
525 @param value value to be written
526 */
527 inline void write(int index, bool value)
528 {
529 if ( published ) {
530 Private::getSimulationOutput().fatal(
531 CALL_INFO, 1, "ERROR: write to SharedArray %s after publish() was called\n", data->getName().c_str());
532 }
533 return data->write(index, value);
534 }
536 /**
537 Read data from the array. This returns a const reference, so
538 is read only.
540 NOTE: This function does not use a mutex, so it is possible to
541 get invalid results if another thread caused a resize of the
542 underlying data structure at the same time as the read.
543 However, after the init() phase of simulation is complete (in
544 setup() and beyond), this is always a safe operation. If
545 reading during init() and you can't guarantee that all elements
546 have already written all data to the SharedArray, use
547 mutex_read() to guarantee thread safety.
549 @param index index to read
551 @return const reference to data at index
552 */
553 inline bool operator[](int index) const { return data->read(index); }
555 /**
556 Read data from the array. This returns a const reference, so
557 is read only. This version of read is always thread safe (@see
558 operator[]).
560 @param index index to read
562 @return const reference to data at index
563 */
564 inline bool mutex_read(int index) const { return data->mutex_read(index); }
567 bool published;
568 Data* data;
570 class Data : public SharedObjectData
571 {
573 // Forward declaration. Defined below
574 class ChangeSet;
576 public:
577 std::vector<bool> array;
578 std::vector<bool> written;
579 ChangeSet* change_set;
580 bool init;
581 verify_type verify;
583 Data(const std::string& name) : SharedObjectData(name), change_set(nullptr), verify(VERIFY_UNINITIALIZED)
584 {
585 if ( Private::getSimulation()->getNumRanks().rank > 1 ) { change_set = new ChangeSet(name); }
586 }
588 ~Data() { delete change_set; }
590 /**
591 Set the size of the array. An element can only write up to the
592 current size (reading or writing beyond the size will create
593 undefined behavior). However, an element can put in the size
594 it needs for it's writes and it will end up being the largest
595 size requested. We use a vector underneatch the covers to
596 manage the memory/copying of data.
597 */
598 void setSize(size_t size, bool init_data, verify_type v_type)
599 {
600 // If the data is uninitialized, then there is nothing to do
601 if ( v_type == VERIFY_UNINITIALIZED ) return;
602 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
603 if ( size > array.size() ) {
604 // Need to resize the vector
605 array.resize(size, init_data);
606 if ( v_type == FE_VERIFY ) { written.resize(size); }
607 if ( change_set ) change_set->setSize(size, init_data, v_type);
608 }
609 // init and verify must match across all intances. We can
610 // tell that they have been when verify is not
612 if ( verify != VERIFY_UNINITIALIZED ) {
613 if ( init != init_data ) {
614 Private::getSimulationOutput().fatal(
615 CALL_INFO, 1, "ERROR: Two different init_data values passed into SharedArray %s\n",
616 name.c_str());
617 }
619 if ( verify != v_type ) {
620 Private::getSimulationOutput().fatal(
621 CALL_INFO, 1, "ERROR: Two different verify types passed into SharedArray %s\n", name.c_str());
622 }
623 }
624 init = init_data;
625 verify = v_type;
626 }
628 size_t getSize()
629 {
630 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
631 return array.size();
632 }
634 void update_write(int index, bool data)
635 {
636 // Don't need to mutex because this is only ever called
637 // from one thread at a time, with barrier before and
638 // after, or from write(), which does mutex.
639 bool check = false;
640 switch ( verify ) {
641 case FE_VERIFY:
642 check = written[index];
643 break;
644 case INIT_VERIFY:
645 check = array[index] != init;
646 break;
647 default:
648 break;
649 }
650 if ( check && (array[index] != data) ) {
651 Private::getSimulationOutput().fatal(
652 CALL_INFO, 1, "ERROR: wrote two different values to index %d of SharedArray %s\n", index,
653 name.c_str());
654 }
655 array[index] = data;
656 if ( verify == FE_VERIFY ) written[index] = true;
657 }
659 void write(int index, bool data)
660 {
661 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
662 check_lock_for_write("SharedArray");
663 update_write(index, data);
664 if ( verify == FE_VERIFY ) written[index] = true;
665 if ( change_set ) change_set->addChange(index, data);
666 }
668 // Inline the read since it may be called often during run().
669 // This read is not protected from data races in the case where
670 // the array may be resized by another thread. If there is a
671 // danger of the array being resized during init, use the
672 // mutex_read function until after the init phase.
673 inline bool read(int index) const { return array[index]; }
675 // Mutexed read for use if you are resizing the array as you go
676 inline bool mutex_read(int index) const
677 {
678 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
679 return array[index];
680 }
682 // Functions inherited from SharedObjectData
683 virtual SharedObjectChangeSet* getChangeSet() override { return change_set; }
684 virtual void resetChangeSet() override { change_set->clear(); }
686 private:
687 class ChangeSet : public SharedObjectChangeSet
688 {
690 std::vector<std::pair<int, bool>> changes;
691 size_t size;
692 bool init;
693 verify_type verify;
695 void serialize_order(SST::Core::Serialization::serializer& ser) override
696 {
697 SharedObjectChangeSet::serialize_order(ser);
698 ser& changes;
699 ser& size;
700 ser& init;
701 ser& verify;
702 }
706 public:
707 // For serialization
708 ChangeSet() : SharedObjectChangeSet() {}
709 ChangeSet(const std::string& name) : SharedObjectChangeSet(name), size(0), verify(VERIFY_UNINITIALIZED) {}
711 void addChange(int index, bool value) { changes.emplace_back(index, value); }
713 void setSize(size_t length, bool init_data, verify_type v_type)
714 {
715 size = length;
716 init = init_data;
717 verify = v_type;
718 }
719 size_t getSize() { return size; }
721 void applyChanges(SharedObjectDataManager* manager) override
722 {
723 auto data = manager->getSharedObjectData<Data>(getName());
724 data->setSize(size, init, verify);
725 for ( auto x : changes ) {
726 data->update_write(x.first, x.second);
727 }
728 }
730 void clear() override { changes.clear(); }
731 };
732 };
734} // namespace Shared
735} // namespace SST
This class is basically a wrapper for objects to declare the order in which their members should be s...
Definition: serializer.h:35
Default constructor for SharedArray.
Definition: sharedArray.h:394
size_t size() const
Get the length of the array.
Definition: sharedArray.h:469
int initialize(const std::string &obj_name, size_t length=0, bool init_value=false, verify_type v_type=INIT_VERIFY)
Initialize the SharedArray.
Definition: sharedArray.h:437
const_iterator begin() const
Get const_iterator to beginning of underlying map.
Definition: sharedArray.h:481
bool empty() const
Tests if array is empty.
Definition: sharedArray.h:476
bool isFullyPublished()
Check whether all instances of this SharedArray have called publish().
Definition: sharedArray.h:517
void write(int index, bool value)
Write data to the array.
Definition: sharedArray.h:527
bool mutex_read(int index) const
Read data from the array.
Definition: sharedArray.h:564
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
Get const_reverse_iterator to end of underlying map.
Definition: sharedArray.h:496
Shared Array Destructor.
Definition: sharedArray.h:399
void publish()
Indicate that the calling element has written all the data it plans to write.
Definition: sharedArray.h:503
bool operator[](int index) const
Read data from the array.
Definition: sharedArray.h:553
const_iterator end() const
Get const_iterator to end of underlying map.
Definition: sharedArray.h:486
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
Get const_reverse_iterator to beginning of underlying map.
Definition: sharedArray.h:491
SharedArray class.
Definition: sharedArray.h:29
size_t size() const
Get the length of the array.
Definition: sharedArray.h:113
int initialize(const std::string &obj_name, size_t length=0, T init_value=T(), verify_type v_type=INIT_VERIFY)
Initialize the SharedArray.
Definition: sharedArray.h:82
const T & mutex_read(int index) const
Read data from the array.
Definition: sharedArray.h:208
const_iterator begin() const
Get const_iterator to beginning of underlying map.
Definition: sharedArray.h:125
const_iterator end() const
Get const_iterator to end of underlying map.
Definition: sharedArray.h:130
bool empty() const
Tests if array is empty.
Definition: sharedArray.h:120
Default constructor for SharedArray.
Definition: sharedArray.h:39
Shared Array Destructor.
Definition: sharedArray.h:44
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
Get const_reverse_iterator to end of underlying map.
Definition: sharedArray.h:140
const T & operator[](int index) const
Read data from the array.
Definition: sharedArray.h:197
void publish()
Indicate that the calling element has written all the data it plans to write.
Definition: sharedArray.h:147
void write(int index, const T &value)
Write data to the array.
Definition: sharedArray.h:171
bool isFullyPublished()
Check whether all instances of this SharedArray have called publish().
Definition: sharedArray.h:161
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
Get const_reverse_iterator to beginning of underlying map.
Definition: sharedArray.h:135
const std::string & getName()
Get the name of the shared data the changeset should be applied to.
Definition: sharedObject.h:71
virtual void applyChanges(SharedObjectDataManager *UNUSED(manager))=0
Apply the changes to the name shared data.
Base class for holding SharedObject data.
Definition: sharedObject.h:87
void lock()
Called by the core when writing to shared regions is no longer allowed.
Definition: sharedObject.h:185
Definition: sharedObject.h:260
Enum of verify types.
Definition: sharedObject.h:266